Great Leap Forward for Women’s Rights

A Saudi panel of scientists recently concluded that women aren’t just household items as it was previously
thought, but are mammals and therefore should have same rights as camels and goats.

Previously, women had the same rights as a chair or a table and were seen more as individual property.

They now have an equivalent status to certain animal species, and thus must receive, at the very least, feeding, watering and be conferred a minimum of attention.

“Ain’t that precious?”

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  • But we love them anyway...

    Politifact points out that the Saudis have given heavily to the Clinton Foundation:

    “The kingdom gave between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation between the time the foundation was created through 2014, and some portion of the funds was contributed in 2014,”

    and the Intercept reports:

    “David Sirota and Andrew Perez have previously reported for the International Business Times that Clinton’s State Department was heavily involved in approving weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. As weapons transfers were being approved, both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Boeing made donations to the Clinton Foundation.”

    Coincidence, I’m sure.

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