Historic events for Jul 27

1927 Lindbergh Flies Over Brattleboro

Colonel Charles Lindbergh flies over Brattleboro and drops a letter for residents.

1849 Glue For Sale

Glue. A Very superior article of Glue for sale low by Williston & Tyler.

1866 Episcopal Ladies’ Fair

The Fair held at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening last, by the ladies of the Episcopal Church, was well attended and was a very pleasant gathering. The hall was tastefully decorated, the articles for sale were prepared with great taste, the refreshments were tempting to the appetite, and the music was delightful.

1877 White Mountain Express Takes Summer Visitors

The new White Mountain express train appears to have had the effect of cutting off Brattleboro’s supply of summer visitors, none having stopped here since that train commenced running.

1877 Horse Trading Gypsies

Horse-trading gypsies are about.

1883 Potatoes Are Abundant

New potatoes of home production are now quite abundant, and retail at 90 cents to $1 a bushel.

1883 Much Wool Handled

O. L. Miner has already handled some 40,000 to 50,000 pounds of wool purchased in this vicinity since the season’s clip.

1888 Drawn Out Strawberry Season

The strawberry season has been long drawn out this year. Stickney Bros. had a bushel of good berries from Wilmington on Tuesday.

1888 Largest Pair of Dray Horses

The largest pair of dray horses ever seen in Brattleboro were brought in from Ohio by C. P. Gibson on Tuesday. The horses weigh 1770 and 1750 pounds, respectively, and are as handsome as they are big. They are a cross between Norman Percheron and Clydesdales They were bought by E. E. Stockwell, who now has them in use.

1894 Swedish Church Dedication Announced

The Swedish Lutheran church on West street will be dedicated Wednesday, Aug, 22.