WSESD Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee Meeting Agenda July 30, 2024

I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors

II. Review of Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee mission:

a. Mission: Monitor school equity and performance, and work with district staff to develop recommendations to increase equity and performance throughout the district.

III. Committee focus / items for discussion (listed here are items that were considered in 2023/2024):

a. Food Services in the district: how can the board assess equity in food access across schools in the district?
b. Leadership Councils: how is the board doing with communications with LCs?

WSESD Social Justice and Equity Committee Meeting Minutes June 20, 2024

An email was sent to highlight issues with retention, including retirement, resignation, and reasons for leaving. The focus is on analyzing the factors contributing to and impacting retention. Mikaela is examining the reasons for employee turnover and the positions that people are leaving.

Michael mentioned that our school’s turnover rate is lower than the state average. The state turnover rate is 30%, while ours is approximately 12%. In Massachusetts, the teacher turnover rate is 12%. There have been several retirements.

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – June 25, 2024

● Ruby McAdoo was approved as a member of the Putney Leadership Council.
● Frank Rucker spoke about the tax rate implication following the release of the Yield.
● The Board discussed ideas for preparing themselves for budget development and utilizing tools available by exploring documents from the IBRC, VSBA and the Vernon Board.
● July 9th will be the only Board Meeting scheduled for the month, recognizing there could be other meetings called (i.e. Executive Sessions)
● Looking ahead to next year related to the Panorama Survey, a committee was formed to work alongside Brin Tucker to review and consider questions included in the survey for 24- 25.
● The Board voted to rescind policy LSP2.
● The Board voted to rescind policy LSP12.

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024

F1 Student Conduct and Discipline – Review with BUHS Admin Cassie Damkoehler, assistant principal at BUHS, reviewed F1 with the committee. The following changes were made:
● In the Due Process section on page 4:
o The intro and bullet 1: stay the same.
o Bullet 2 becomes: “students’ right to a fair hearing before being suspended for up to ten days.”

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board Meeting Minutes — June 12, 2024

The agenda was amended to add discussion on a VSBA business voting member under new business, using the Personnel committee for summer hires, and ideas on how to better insure follow up on board matters.

There being no changes made to the Consent Agenda, the board approved the Consent Agenda (items listed below) as presented on a motion by Tim Maciel.

WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Agenda

Mission: Foster learning environments in which all members of the school community are safe, feel valued, and are appreciated, as well as promote policies and procedures that value equity and diversity in our schools.

I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors

II. Updates

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes June 12, 2024

II. Updates
● The following policies were presented for a first reading on 5/28/24:
o E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
o F4 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by School Personnel
o F5 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by Law Enforcement Personnel or Other Non-School Personnel
o F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students & Staff
o G13 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet

Windham Southeast School District Board Meeting Minutes June 4, 2024

● The Board voted to rotate the location of the Board meetings among the schools again this year
● The Norms of the Board were discussed
● The Portrait of a Graduate work is actively being embarked upon by the district
● Four hires and one resignation were approved for the 2024-25 school year
● As it is hiring season, and the need to approve new hires in a timely manner, the Board voted to give the Personnel Committee authority to approve hires throughout the summer with the caveat that the Board still receive resumes and the committee keep the Board informed of their work
● The Board voted to authorize the Finance Committee to approve the warrants, payroll and to implement Capital Plan projects throughout the summer
● The Consent Agenda was passed

WSESD – Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes June 5, 2024

The chair reviewed the process of 1% funds with the committee.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 16 applications for 1% funds from Academy School in the amount of $12,279.96.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 11 applications for 1% funds from Green Street School in the amount of $8,091.

WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda June 12, 2024

1st Reading
– E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
– F4 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by School Personnel
– F5 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by Law
– Enforcement Personnel or Other Non-School Personnel
– F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students & Staff
– G13 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet