How Police In Australia Test Drivers For Marijuana!

How police in Australia test drivers for marijuana!  I saw this in a movie.  I get some really great DVD’s at yard sales in the summer.  I just can’t wait for yard sale season to start again!   O.K., I don’t recall the name of the movie, and I’d have to dig through boxes to find it, but basically it goes like this, sort of:

Two Australian Police Officers at a roadside traffic stop, cleary marked for a driver survey, so cars politely slow down.  When a car comes to a stop, directed by an officer helping to stop cars, the other officer goes to the window (was it on the wrong side of the car?  I can’t recall, this was a movie, do they drive on the wrong side in Australia?) 

  So, the Officer says to the driver, something like, “Good day!   Great weather we’re having!  We are asking questions to help with our Beautiful Australia campaign to promote tourism.  Would you like to help with our survey?  Everyone who answers questions gets free donuts; would you like a donut?”  

If the person says, “Yes”, then the Officer notes how many donuts the person takes.  If the person takes a big handful of a bunch of donuts, the Officer calls out to the other Australian Police Officer, “We got one!”  

 The presumption being that someone really high on marijuana will take more than one donut!

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