Church of the Emaculate Exorcism Now Opening Soon in Vermont

And now, abortion up to the moment of birth is
legal in Vermont. It is time now for every God
fearing Church and religious gathering to open the:

Church of the Emaculate Exorcism.

The Devil has invaded the minds of our Legislators
and told them, come, come kill the unborn babies who
are of no use to your Lord Satin.

The Devil has invaded the minds of our Legislators
and told them, come, come kill the unborn babies who
are not perfectly formed, for they are of no use to
your Lord Satin.

The Devil sayeth to the women, worship me and my ways
because the Legislators have not give you a path to
righteousness, for they have not provided a way for
each one of you
to keep yourself housed and sheltered and fed and
cared for while you are pregnant, and a way forward to
keep your baby and yourself housed and fed and warm
with education for you so you can get out and get a job
with childcare for your baby. The Legislators have
failed you because they worship me, the Devil your Lord

I, the Lord Satin, have sayeth to the Legislators, behold
the pot of gold you will receive for charging huge storage
and transport fees to donate baby parts to laboratories.
I, the Lord Satin, control the weak, petty, minds of the
Legislators, teaching them to worship gold.

The wind comes up, the wind howls, the moon shines through
the forest, the Devil disappears in fire and smoke
and a new hour of life enters.

And now, behold, comes the real Lord God Almighty and
sayeth: Vanish Satin! Vanish! Let these women go forward
in their lives now knowing they had succumed to the ways
of the Devil taught to them by the Legislators, but I,
the real Lord God Almighty, stronger than the Devil,
banish the Devil from the hearts and minds of these
women and purify them.

The exorcism is complete, there is music in the woods.

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