150 Years Ago (1863 10/10)

Brattleboro, Vt. Oct. 10th, 1863

Dear wife –

I have delayed writing until the present moment, that I might tell you where I was to remain. I suppose that my place is Company B, Capt Brannon. I have been trotting from Company A to Company B and from Company B to Company A without a musket or clothing. This morning I have come to Company B and expect to remain.

I am well, first rate. Have no time to write much this morning, but shall improve the first spare time. Have receiced no pay or bounty yet. There is a string of red tape how long I cannot tell you, for I have seen but one end. I went into the village yesterday for the first time. I suppose Ann was on the ground. The boys said there was a young lady with Mrs. Thomas. She has a brother in Company A by the name of Elmer. He had a piece of cheese, some apples and chestnuts which – I find that I have got to close, as there is no more time. Address Company B drafted men Brattleboro, care of Capt. Brannon. I hate to close but must.

Yours in love and affection


I shall write to Mr. Cole tomorrow. I think he had better close a trade with Dudley as we talked, if he can do no better. I will write so that he can get a letter Tuesday afternoon.


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