Comments | 2

  • It's in There

    Good articles. Pretty much everything I’ve ever felt or thought about iBratt is there. Still can’t believe it’s been 10 years, though thinking back, just as strange that it’s only been that long. It seems to have been around for way longer.

    The night of the Brooks House fire will always stay with me. That was incredible.

    You never know what’ll be on iBratt. From the ridiculous to the sublime, as they say. A lot like Bratt itself.

  • Interesting

    Hey Chris, and Lise by inference, Great piece. It was good to read in such a succinct article what the major issues are that you grapple with. The fascinating thing to me is that they were all social — none technical, legal, financial or even the time requirements. Shall we assume from this that you’re turning a healthy profit? I wonder how this list of the major issues would be different if iBratt were a non-profit and you had a board.

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