What Do They Know That I Don’t Know?

Today I saw two separate small flocks of Robins, one in Guilford and one in Brattleboro.

Comments | 4

  • Another flock

    I saw another flock today, on Williams Street!

  • What do they know that I don't know?

    While walking on the Hinsdale Rail trail today, we saw several bluebirds!!!

  • Quite a few near us

    I sat with one of the cats and watched robins through the window the other day. They were quite big and looked well fed. They were flying around snacking on old berries and picking up seeds(?) from the ground.

    There was another white/grey bird with a dark head/back/wings with them. A bit smaller than the robins, but not much.

    I think they know that spring is coming.

  • Birds and Squirrels out and about

    Just within the past couple of weeks, on my morning dog-walks, there has been much more birdsong, and I’ve been seeing more bird activity as well as more gray and red squirrels running around. Spring’s coming!

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