Census 2020 – Every Person in your Household Counts!

With the US Census just around the corner, many people have questions as to who they should count on their census form.  With 675 Billion dollars in federal aid programs on the line – the answer is – Everybody!

The US Census Bureau estimates that in 2010, more than 1,000,000 children were undercounted in the Census, and it is important that this does not happen again.  School lunch programs, special education funds, and other benefits that flow to our communities are based on the numbers returned in the 2020 Census.

Everybody Counts. Does a child share time between their mom and dad’s homes?  Wherever they live the majority of the time, they count!  Are you a neighbor who is housing a child while their mom and dad build a house?  Those children count!  Is a friend staying with you temporarily while they look for a new place?  They count!  Someone staying in your RV,  cottage, or even on your couch?  They count!

It doesn’t matter whether the members of your household are related or not, whether their stay with you is considered temporary, or whether they are 2 years old or 102…everybody counts!

Responses are Confidential.  Under Title 13 of the US Code, no individual, family, or household information submitted for the Census may be revealed to anyone – not Law Enforcement agencies, not the local Building & Zoning office, not School Districts, not Immigration officials – not anyone.  The purpose of the Census is to obtain a complete and accurate count of individuals living in the community – period.  You may respond knowing that your responses are safe and secure, and only used to provide “aggregated” information for planning and funding purposes.

Your Town depends on your participation.  The US Census is easy, safe…and important!

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