Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee Minutes and Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, July 22, 2013 at 5:30pm in the Brooks Memorial Library community room.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

CPCC Notes
5:30pm, Brooks Memorial Library

I. Call to Order & Quorum Check
a. James, Alex, Tristan & Ann all present = quorum

II. Agenda Review

III. Approval of Previous Meeting Notes
a. Minutes approved

IV. Public Participation
a. Terry Carter & Animal Handling

i. Went to select board meeting and brought correspondences between Terry and TJ Anderson re: dog training follow-up; when this was brought up last meeting, it was made clear that in addition to funding from the state to provide the training, the town has to also contribute financially to the training

ii. Terry also mentioned that she has sensed a mistrust from community members towards the police department regarding animal handling.

iii. Terry also suggested a possible move forward is to always have one officer on duty that is trained in animal handling. Currently, Cathy Burrows is the Animal Control Officer and works 9-5pm.

iv. Additionally, the most effective course of action may be to continue bringing this up with the Select board.
b. Barry Adams & Dogs Being Left in Hot Cars

i. Barry reported on his past experience with dogs being left in hot cars, which has led him to become familiar with VT State Law which stands strongly on the ability for law enforcement to rescue animals in distress.

ii. 3 biggest myths around dog safety in hot cars

1. Fallacy #1: If the windows are cracked the dog will be ok.

2. Fallacy #2: If the car is in the shade, the dog will be ok.

3. Fallacy #3: If the dog has water in the car, the dog will be ok.

4. Only if a dog can escape from the car will it be saved, which brings about a whole other issue.

iii. It comes down to a public education issue.

iv. Barry will email Chief Wrinn re: research on model policies that have been enacted across the country that Brattleboro could use to move forward.

v. Citation re: Animals left in vehicles: Title 13 S386

vi. Barry Adams & the Chief of Police will be in touch regarding existing town policies and potentially creating one for Brattleboro.

c. Terry also raised the issue of witnessing someone being brought from the BPD station to a car in shackles. It is a federal policy to transport anyone to a correctional facility

V. Tabled until next meeting:

a. Unfinished Business
i. By-Laws: Changes and Recommendations Part II

b. Bratt PD Policy Review: Use of Force


Next Meeting’s Agenda (intentionally the same because we did not get to Unfinished Business or Bratt PD Policy Review this meeting)

I. Call to Order & Quorum Check

II. Agenda Review

III. Approval of Previous Meeting Notes

IV. Public Participation

V. Unfinished Business
a. By-Laws: Changes and Recommendations Part II

VI. Bratt PD Policy Review: Use of Force

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