Reaching the Heavens – Latchis Closed for Renovations

As promised, the main theatre closed on August 1 and all the seats left the building that day. It was amazing!

Day 2 brought the scaffolding crew and they set to work, so that by Day 5 (today) they have reached the Heavens in some spots! What an achievement.

Many thanks to those of you who already donated to Latchis Arts’ Kickstarter Campaign as we continue to collect pledges toward the goal of $50,000 in 60 days for our seats and ceiling project.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, we urge you to take a look.

Here’s the place to start: Kickstarter Campaign for The Heavens and The Earth.

How can you help?
Open to our page and look around. Click-throughs help page placement.

Donating helps!
Whatever amount works for you.

Sharing is the thing!
Share this link with your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to do the same. That’s the crowd in crowd sourcing.

More links showing our progress!
Facebook – like it and share it!

THANK YOU for anything you can do to help us raise $50,000 in 60 days.
All best,

P.S. The thing with Kickstarter is, if we don’t raise ALL the money, we don’t get any of it.

P.P.S. Of course, we are always happy to accept donations the good old fashioned way. So if you prefer to write us a check or send your credit card information in the mail, we won’t stop you! The whole campaign of $550,000 is down to the last $70,000! Please give as generously as you can, any way you can.

Gail Nunziata | Managing Director | Latchis Arts Inc.
50 Main Street | Brattleboro VT | 05301
802.254.1109 |

Comments | 4

  • old seats

    Dam I wanted a row of four old theater seats but they have already been carted off to who knows where, they should have raffled them off to make more money, they’re a piece of history in my opinion, dam.

  • Seats

    I agree, they should have been sold or made available to the public, as another fund-raising method. They definitely are a part of Brattleboro history. I’m sure there are others who would have paid something to have a few of them in their own home movie room? I think Affordable Towing was in charge of removing them, perhaps they have some left?

  • Gone to salvage

    I asked Gail Nunziata at the Latchis about the chairs and she says plans to sell them wouldn’t really have worked out. She gave three reasons:

    1. The chairs had to be removed rapidly (a day) to make way for scaffolding.

    2. There were no single, assembled chairs. Everything was bolted together and would have been sold in pieces (a cushion, a seat back, and side pieces.)

    3. There would be no arm rests. The maple arm rests are being refurbished and will be re-used on the new seats.

    • Green Mountain Salvage WRJ?

      Thanks for Info, I see the practicality in not over complicating the effort to clear seats out and get right to work, wonder where they ended up?

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