Moon Shot Anomaly

A NASA clip from Apollo 17 mission (1972) shows astronaut Eugene Cernan examining rocks in the Taurus-Littrow lunar valley. The reflection in his visor appears to show the person taking the picture. Cernan is standing next to a large rock outcropping with a small instrument sitting on the dusty lunar surface in front of him.
Attached are some close-ups:

Note that the figure is NOT wearing a spacesuit!

FWIW, I do believe we went to the moon as we were told. However, I believe we lacked the technology/ability to properly record the events in any sort of “professional” documentary, so we hired Stanley Kubrick to do the job.

Here’s a video with an actor purporting to be Kubrick claiming the landings were fake. However, the video was dated 2017 and Kubrick died in 1999 at age 71.

Comments | 3

  • Images

    I’m sorry the images didn’t come through properly. They have to be much larger to see the progression.

  • Images 2

    Look in the Photo section for enlarged images

  • after studying the subject

    I reached the same conclusion as you, that we did indeed go to the moon, and that NASA did some PR photography after the fact. The Kubrick interview is intriguing, but analysis (speech patterns, etc.) supports the contention that this is not Kubrick but an actor.
    In this time of “deep fakes” I’m not sure any new photos and videos can be trusted.

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