Want Bulk Poppy Seeds, Aduki Beans, Chocolate, Pasta…?

The co-op has made drastic changes to the bulk department, eliminating many products, some of my favorites, and undoubtedly many of yours, including chocolates, poppy seeds, aduki beans, pasta, spelt flour, wheat bran, oat bran, wheat germ… I intend to pursue this sometime soon. If you can help, or want to add to the list of purged products, please contact me. Thanks.

Comments | 1

  • Time a changin'

    Bulk chocolate was a great way to get the right amount of chocolate necessary. : (

    I remember when they started messing with the miso… : )

    It’s funny – when I imagine a Co-op, I picture bulk bins, and saving on items due to bulk purchases. It’s almost all I think a coop is supposed to be, and all it really needs to be.

    Some co-op competition in town might be healthy. Some small start-up that focuses solely on the bulk bins again. ??

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