Our Town Grant RFP Addendum

JULY 6, 2015

1. If you are receiving this addendum you have either registered at rfrancis@brattleboro.org or you have received this via another point of contact through which the Town of Brattleboro is spreading the word about this Public Arts Project. Please register if you are contemplating making a submission to ensure that you will receive any additional information released in the future, including answers to any additional questions potential respondents may ask. The Q+A format of this addendum provides answers to questions asked during the first 2 weeks following the initial release of the CFA/RFP.

2. Who may make submissions?

The Call for Artists is intentionally broad with regard to type of submissions.

We envisage any or all of the following:

a) A Single Artist proposing a single project (may have multiple elements)
b) A Team of Artists proposing a single project (may have multiple elements)
c) An Arts Collaborative (comprised of individuals and/or organizations) proposing projects (multiple elements that may be thematically coordinated or completely independent)
d) Multiple individual unrelated proposed projects may be awarded

In all instances the total budget is $50,000.00.

3. Does the character limit for submissions include spaces between words?

No. Spaces do not count.

4. What electronic file format should be used for making a submission?

Please submit all work in pdf format.

5. Are there designated locations for where the installation/event should be?

No. The Town will review all submissions and advise on the suitability of any proposed location.

6. Is it a conflict of interest to submit a proposed project(s) and seek appointment to the Screening or Selection Committee?



Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

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