The Millerites


The third of April has passed, yet the earth, in this region at least, is wrapped in snow instead of fire, as some of our friends, the Millerites, have predicted. So far from burning up, we have been in great danger of freezing to death.

It’s often interesting to look up the back-stories behind the old historical articles.

William Miller, a self-taught preacher, believed that the end times and Second Coming would happen on April 3, 1843. When that date passed, he just kept revising his predictions.  Many followers gave up all their possessions in anticipation of being called to Heaven with the faithful.  Sounds like another preacher that was in the news in recent years!

Strange and Curious Sects: The Millerites

Comments | 6

  • A rare moment

    This is the first time I’ve seen anything on this site that references Atheism without hostility. I’m not suggesting that BusyMom is an atheist or sympathetic to atheism.

    Since I am personally not “belief-dependent,” I am way beyond the narrow mindset of atheism. But, I am glad to see it referenced in this way.

    Although, the fellow at the does take his atheism a step further when he writes, “I’m not just an atheist; I’m an anti-theist…I don’t just disbelieve in God — I think a belief in God is unhealthy.”

    • Believe me

      You will burn for those thoughts. Next Tuesday at 2 pm. Or perhaps some other time. : )

      More seriously, though, belief is simply accepting that something is true or real or exists. My dictionary is suggesting “belief in the value of hard work,” or a “belief that solitude nourishes creativity,” as examples. A religious conviction is another.

      There is another, second definition that implies “faith,” such as “believing in oneself.”

      I think I depend on believing that things are true or real. I should probably look up the definition of “depend.”

      Thanks for the extra history on the Millerites. Many of the daily history items beg for further exploration, and I’m glad you pick it up and enhance what we know.

      FYI, Oney the mail dog came through again recently. That’s three mentions I’ve seen so far.

      • Don't want to know what you believe, just what you know

        Belief, as simply defined as, “…belief is simply accepting that something is true or real or exists“ does not apply to the belief-dependency syndrome of faith, as I’m sure you know. In the context you present, believing the sun will rise at 5:45am is quite useful.

        Belief-dependency in faith of the unknown is the byproduct of fear, superstition and ignorance, which is based on a superstructure of mythological nonsense that is definitely not real.
        It is also probably the worst thing that happened to humanity following when All Mammals evolved consciousness roughly 60 – 80 thousand years ago.

        –Prior to that estimated epoch, the two-brain hemispheres “did not” communicate with each other as thought (thinking) with a form of consciousness as we and all other mammals came to experience from that time forward.

  • Curiosity

    I frequently end up looking up news items out of curiosity, when I have the time…might as well share them!

    • Just ask the Cat

      Thank you.

      Curiosity often leads to or comes from a desire to know or learn something, whether it’s strange, unusual or informational; it’s all a great pastime to share and enjoy.

    • Keep it up

      And it’s part of why I toss this newsy info out there every day… so others can dive in an explore further. I love the extra details you find.

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