Weekend Concert: King Crimson, Hyde Park Free Concert, London, 1969

This is being posted for annikee:

This is the first of many, many lineups of this seminal progressive band:

Greg Lake is on bass and vocals, Robert Fripp is the guitarist, Ian MacDonald plays keyboards, reeds, woodwinds and vocals, Peter Sinfield plays synthesizer and writes lyrics,

Michael Giles is on drums and vocals.


Comments | 10

  • Paul continues his flawless

    Paul continues his flawless streak of great music posts. King Crimson were such an important progressive band and cited as an influence on many heavy metal pioneers down the road.

    I’m waiting for your first mis-step, like posting about Vanilla Ice or something, but I don’t expect that’s ever going to happen! 🙂

    ps – I would just like to come right out publicly and say I actually failed the ibrattleboro math login question. Wow. I always knew I sucked at math, but this is a new low!!

    • 2 + 0

      Spencer (and others) – wanna sign up for a future month of weekend concerts? Everyone’s taking turns, showing off personal favorites.

      (We’re looking for June, July, Aug concert masters and mistresses…)

      Also, credit for this one goes to annikee. Paul’s helping her this week after her computer stopped cooperating.

      I was just watching a bit of Adrian Belew last week. He asked the audience if they wanted to hear “just what one guy plays” and proceeded to sing and play his guitar part for Three of a Perfect Pair. Looking forward to this weekend’s selection.

      • any underground video

        I wonder if there is access to the Latchis Concert Video Vault to maybe feature past shows here. My girlfriend and I waited a half hour to sit first row center for Susan Vega (was great) and I had made the Roaches years back up close, another great show, Had bought tickets for Richie Haven who I had also seen way back when, but he was ill and could not make it. Let’s encourage these kind of concerts to return, I had thought they were a great success.

        To me there was nothing like being in the moment seeing a band as close as possible to really take it all in and was worth the effort to get there if at all possible even if it meant camping out in line forever back in the day. We had a friend in high school who could get us any seat to most concerts in the Boston area especially the Garden and Orpheum, no further out than 20 rows to the front of the stage (his Uncle had some incredible connection) but the catch was it would cost us 25 whole dollars a piece, yes 25 bucks was alot back then late seventies early eighties, but I always had an after school job so I pulled it off. I must say 25 bucks is still alot of money to me and I haven’t been to a really big show for years prefering much smaller venues now if any.

        One of my favorite venues, where every seat is a good seat, is the Saratoga Performing Art Center or SPAC (much like the Esplanade half shell in Boston) where they used to have an anuual Reggae Sun Splash (Ziggy Marley and Burning Spear to mention a few) lawn seats were great. Also they had some pretty descent bands featured with excellent seating if you wanted to pay extra, plus a beautiful park to roam around with natural springs gurgling out of the ground here and there along a babbling brook trail under tall pines. When I lived somewhat nearby I went to many great shows in the warm and airy summer outdoors , the double billing of the Pretenders and B52’s, another time Joe Cocker, The Neville Brothers, Paul Simon (Graceland), Sarah McLachlan, Alanis Morisette, Tori Amos, Dave Mathews Band and few more I’m forgetting. It always baffled me how easy it was to go to the ticket office there and just buy great tickets without a whole lot of waiting.

        Mass Mocha is another great smaller Venue, I saw Luna there which is still one of my favorite concerts of all time. However I’m totally jealous of my much older brothers who went to Woodstock piggy backing on a Honda 350, but what beats all is my brother went to a concert in Kenmore Square to what is the long gone & dufunct Boston Tea Party, maybe a couple hunderd people at most ( a small club like the Tremont Ballroom where I went to a dance party featuring Lena Lovitch) to see Jimmy Hendrix with a little know band called Led Zepplin as opening act who my brother had never even heard of!!! Anyone ever go to the Ratscellar in Kenmore? The Police played there once. Please no calculus for log in.

        • great music spaces

          We’ve been at many of the same venues, but at different times and for different shows. : )

          If you look around on YouTube and other video site, you might be able to find some of these shows. Search for the venue and year, and maybe throw in the words “full concert” to see what comes up.

          If you get a few, consider volunteering for a month of hosting the weekend concert series. The more the merrier!

          • Search

            Thanks Chris, I will look into this, not sure how to put it up on ibratteboro other than link but I will eventually try this if someone hasn’t featured one first, regards, Les

          • Embedding

            The help and iBrattleboro sections have info about embedding. If you can get a link to the file, I can always make sure it is working for you, too.

            If you can find four, you’ve got enough for a month… Fridays in May or June, perhaps? Name your month… : )

          • YT Search tip

            When searching thru YT for concerts, I’ve had the best results by simply entering the band name and “concert” behind that. This has offered up a bunch of vids, even some partial concerts that when selected will show the full concert in the side bar with a different title.

  • To Spencer

    This was annikee’s concert, not mine.
    I submitted it at her request because her hard drive fried (a malady I suffered myself about 2 months earlier.).

    I could not have submitted King Crimson because I barely know they exist.
    I’ve heard of Robert Fripp because of the Roches album he produced.
    I’ve been hearing Court of the Crimson King on the radio for years and thinking it was Emerson, Lake & Palmer (because Gregg Lake – unbeknowst to me – was in King Crimson and supplied the vocals for that song).

    I hope annikee is back soon so she can add something knowledgeable about King Crimson.
    The little bit I read the other day on wikipedia was tantalizing. Fascinating band!

    And btw, Spencer, I agree with Chris. I’d love to see what you would submit as concertmaster for a month (doesn’t take much time unless you want it to).

    • Thanks Paul!

      Obviously I’m back online, hallelujah and thanks to Steve West of Fearless Computing! Thanks for posting Crimso for me, Paul.

      King Crimson is/was the brainchild of Mike Giles and Robert Fripp, and the original lineup (only together for a little over a year) put out 2 albums, “In the Court of the Crimson King” and “In the Wake of Poseidon”. To me, the original lineup was the best.

      Fripp and Greg Lake grew up near each other and learnt guitar from the same teacher. They knew each other’s playing very well, and when Fripp asked Lake to play bass as well as sing for KC, it was like magic. Their drummer, Mike Giles, militarily-trained, can play a different time signature with each limb. With the melody writing capabilities of multi-instrument-playing Ian McDonald and the lyrics of Pete Sinfield there was an abundance of talent. KC took off almost instantly and started touring the world. It was the touring that killed the original KC, when Mike Giles and Ian McDonald decided they hated it, and also that the band was going in a different direction musically. With their announced plans to leave, Greg Lake decided to quit too. This break up would start other bands, but that’s a story in itself.

      Since its inception in 1968, King Crimson has had about 3 dozen members and participants. Quite a legacy for a group that few people know very well.

      This concert was their first live appearance, already showing how well-received they were as a band, to open for the Rolling Stones at Hyde Park 3 months before their first album debuted.

  • Will Do

    You can count me in for a Friday in June sometime, will contact you about details, thanks

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