I Discovered A New Way To Fix A Dripping Faucet

There was a leak from the bathroom sink’s cold water tap, which dripped to the floor, making a steady “tick, tick, tick” sound. The drip was intermittent, so I could wipe the water off the floor, and not hear it for awhile but it would always soon begin again.

Every so often, I checked the floor, but seeing no water I put it out of my mind. A couple of days went by with no leak. But then, in a quiet moment, I thought I heard something. I stopped, and listened. Yes, there it was… a faint, “tick, tick, tick.” Clearly the two-day reprieve was too good to be true: The leak was back.

But when I checked, the floor was still dry. I listened, and again heard the drip — “tick, tick, tick” — but could see no water. Pealing my ears to determine where the sound was coming from, alas I saw it! My wife had just bought a new clock, which — two days earlier — I had hung on the wall just to the right of the medicine cabinet.

Obviously, now that the clock is making the “tick, tick, tick” sound, it has preempted the need for the faucet drip to make that sound. It is the most amazing discovery. I am not going to speculate on whether or not it is a new kind of quantum entanglement because I am more interested in the practical applications than on theoretical explanations. I do plan to post this information on plumbing forums as it could be helpful to a lot of people with similar situations.

Comments | 2

  • Inspirational

    I was just pondering a similar plumbing related situation and your magically self fixing faucet gives me new hope. Can time be bought metaphysically? If so, that would be great. The question remains, can these things (synchronicities) be made to happen or do they have to happen by themselves?

    Thanks for a thought provoking story.

  • Both ways?

    Perhaps I can get a dripping sink to stop the clock from ticking.

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