Help the Heifers Stroll

The Strolling of the Heifers Parade is Saturday, June 8. I volunteered to coordinate the Parade and I am looking for some help. There are two roles in particular, Parade Marshal and the highly coveted “Cowpie Crew” described below.

Please contact me at the email address below my name if you are interested in participating.

Thank you,

Tom Franks



The Crew is four individuals. Last year, they were BUHS students. There is a stipend of $25 each. They have two red wagons, saw dust, shovels, at least one cloth cow costume, and the opportunity for lots of street theater. They follow, as you might expect, directly behind the Heifers. They are on duty from 9:45am (arrival at the staging area by 9:15am) and all finished (no paper work) by about 11:30am. I did it in an early parade and regularly say it’s one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.


Parade marshals help organize units on parade day. They are typically at the staging area on Flat Street by 7:45am. They direct marchers to their appropriate Division, ensure that they line up in the correct order, help to keep track of no-shows, make sure that each unit in their Division starts at their designated time, maintain proper spacing between parade units, ensure that marchers in their unit adhere to parade rules and assist with crowd control at the end of the parade. Their work is done before noon.

Some marshals also set up the livestock watering stations and signage in the Division 1 staging area (starting around 6:30am) and help direct traffic. In the event of an emergency during the parade, marshals may also facilitate traffic flow for emergency vehicles.

The job requires a calm & cheerful attitude, common sense, the ability to physically walk the parade route and willingness to work with others as a team. Orientation is mandatory for marshals. A 60-minute orientation meeting is scheduled for 5:30pm Tuesday, May 28 at the River Garden. If a prospective marshal can’t make this meeting, to the extent time permits I will provide individual or group orientation.

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