Statement of Citizens Awareness Network on Vermont Yankee Certificate of Public Good

Citizens Awareness Network supports the Public Service Board’s decision to grant approval of the amended CPG that supports in total the Memorandum of Understanding reached between the State of Vermont and Entergy. While many have serious concerns about Entergy and its ability to live up to its commitments, the settlement reached between the state and Entergy is precedent setting. It is now up to the corporation to live up to its commitments and work constructively with the state of Vermont to achieve a safe and responsible decommissioning of the plant.

This agreement is also important because it mitigates the impact on Vermont Yankee’s workforce that would have almost certainly faced greater hardship without this agreement. We’re relieved that Entergy has committed to the expedited removal of the high level waste from its fuel pool upon closure. With closure the fuel pool remains the most significant safety related issue facing the community.

The work is not over Serious questions remain concerning the adequacy of the decommissioning fund. We also believe it is essential that a Citizen Advisory Board is established to create as democratic and transparent a process as possible for on going decommissioning activities.

Contact Person:

Deb Katz, Executive Director, Citizens Awareness Network,
413-339-5781 /

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