Community Second-Hand Smoke Survey- 4th of July Event at Living Memorial Park

Have you been bothered by second-hand smoke during the 4th of July events at Living Memorial Park? Please complete the survey below and share your experience and opinion.

Comments | 5

  • Your Survey: Phony as a Three Dollar Bill

    Oh for Pete’s-sakes! You’re talking about a one night a year event in a wide open space. Maybe it is annoying that some people smoke cigarettes that night. Big deal. The g*ddamn residue from the gunpowder mixtures is as likely to harm everyone.

    It is a nothing but token stab at the dangers of cigarette smoking and SHS.

    You really wanna do something??

    Do something about the SHS in residential homes, both private homes and multi-unit residences. Do something about the SHS in homes where children are trapped and unable to defend themselves from their own parents and “grownups” who smoke around them. Do something about the SHS when cigarette smokers recklessly endanger the lives of anyone, anytime they please.

    Have you ever seen a mother pushing a baby stroller with one hand and a cigarette in the other?

    Look how long it took this “progressive” state to outlaw smoking in cars when children are present. Did it ever occur to you and the lawmakers that adults also suffer (and die) from the reckless endangerment of SHS???

    What the hell’s the matter with you people? How long will it take for you “concerned” citizens, organizations and lawmakers with your supercilious surveys and baby-step laws to do something about the “legal” drug of cigarettes that is the most dangerous drug “known to man?”

    Where is the Great American Drug War Against Cigarettes?

  • Purpose of this survey

    Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition along with several other coalitions throughout the state have been funded through a Vermont Department of Health grant to reduce second-hand smoke exposure throughout Vermont including business,healthcare, and college campuses; multi-unit housing; public areas and events. For more details, go to

    BAPC is currently focusing on multi-housing units, public areas and events. This event has been brought to our attention as one where people (especially families with young children) have been bothered by second-hand smoke. We are doing this survey to get the opinions of the broader community. We will share the results with the event planners along with information about the resources and technical assistance we offer.

    • I know who you are and your so-called preventionist purpose

      You folks were so busy “fighting drugs,” the illegal kind, where you made your name and from that built up your funding and “community” business support and contributions, that you really are only recently turning your attention cigarettes. Where were you years ago?

      When you “share the results with the event planners” will you ask them about the potential harm of the explosive residue used to explode their display devices that permeate through the crowd?

      And gee, Cass, does the VT General Assembly, the Governor, business, healthcare, and college campuses; multi-unit housing; public areas and events really need you and your “funded” surveys to know how harmful exposure to cigarettes really is??

      Who are you people kidding?
      Your too little, too late “funded” nonsense is a waste of resources. The dangers of cigarettes are longtime and fully known, including that direct and SHS cigarette smoke contains 69 “KNOWN” carcinogens.” This is long, long established.

      Is there not any other useful employment your folks can turn your attention to?

    • Wise to your game

      It was in 1986 when I read a letter in Time Magazine written by Anne “Petey” Cerf, a philanthropist from Lawrence, Kansas, where she wrote decrying the vagaries and hypocrisy of the “Great American Drug War.” In my 30’s at the time, it had a profound effect on my thinking, then and now. Even then she sounded like an “old lady” but full of wisdom beyond my experience at such a young age.

      It was she who encouraged me to call Arnold Trebach, who had recently founded the Drug Policy Foundation in Washington, DC. I called Arnold who invited me to the next annual drug policy conference in 1987. The path that my life took then (and my lifelong friend Paul Bennett) until this very day has been unswerving in the cause of drug policy justice…which did not exist then, and does not yet exist to this very day.

      Americans talk about corporate personhood and things that they are just now catching on to. But Ha, BAPC, I have been wise to your game since I first read about you, it seems so long ago.

      Your prohibitionist and preventionist schemes to protect us and our community from ourselves has been nothing less than one of thousands NPO’s who line their pockets, to get “administrative” paid jobs, all for a so-called good cause, when all that you really do is to deny and bottle-up normal human nature to your own means.

      I’ve got on to your game, girls, probably before some of you were born. And, I am, in Petey Cerf’s name and mine, the monolithic column who sees you for what you really are…and I and “Petey” will never let you forget your contribution to America’s great holocaust of “The Great American Drug War” where this country incarcerates more of its people, and more of its young people, and more of our people of color than ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON THIS EARTH.

      Are your proud? Do you not have any shame?

  • The justice system is more like a legal slave trade

    The imprisonment of all these people is quite expensive, yet people are being sentenced for long periods of time for small, non-violent offenses. Prison is supposed to be for people that are a danger to society, but is it worthwhile to spend the money, give up the prison space and need that much more staff to keep track of prisoners on Marijuana charges? It definitely is not worth it for us as a society, but prisons for profit are making money by keeping innocent and non-violent offenders in prison. Only 7.9 percent of inmates detained in America are violent offenders, meaning that most of the prison population is not a threat to society. The prison system in America is both big business and a new form of slavery.

    The justice system in this country affects everyone, if not morally then financially. Where do you think the government is getting the money to pay those companies and run those prisons ($74 billion a year)? We are paying to incarcerate people that don’t need to be in jail.

    You are paying so that people in high places can mindlessly take peoples lives away and make millions of dollars. We have more prisoners is this country than engineers, teachers and nurses. At least half of our prisoners could and should be released.

    How can you continue to let this happen in your country? The justice system is more like a legal slave trade than a mechanism for keeping the people safe.

    POSTED: 07/03/2014

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