April 3 Forum on Addressing Homelessness Notes & Next Steps


On April 3rd, a second in a series of community discussions regarding a community response to homelessness took place at the Works Bakery in Brattleboro. Attached are the notes from the evening, including several themes and action steps. The notes are also available in hard copy at the Brooks Memorial Library. Please share widely.

The next community forum is scheduled for Thursday, April 30th from 5:30-7:30pm at the Works Bakery, 118 Main St. Brattleboro. All are welcome. Details to follow.

For more information, contact: info@morningsideshelter.org.


Comments | 4

  • Great notes

    Glad to see the notes, and that Housing First is being discussed. It’s the idea that we give the homeless homes, and end homelessness and associated welfare costs.

    Perhaps there is synchronicity with the property BHA will be “disposing” of once residents move to the new digs at Red Clover. A whole village of homes, ready to go…

    Very complete listing of related issues in those notes. Solving this would solve a host of things.

    Next on the to-do list is the idea of a Basic Income Guarantee – BIG – whereby we send everyone a monthly check to cover basic expenses, regardless of means, and then reduce corresponding assistance programs. This would allow people to continue working at whatever they want, and they can pocket the additional income from whatever they do. No one would ever have to worry about getting by, though.

    If CEO’s can make close to $6,000 an hour, we should be able to make this happen for the rest of us.

    • I agree,Chris. Very

      I agree,Chris. Very comprehensive and thoughtful notes- this Seems to be a good start – now to keep the momentum going. I was very disheartened
      by some of the responses to the recent Reformer story about the potential park/green space being built if the tunnel is closed off. Some people thought it was a great idea ( it is!) but others were negative -saying it would just be another place for the homeless to hang out and drink. As though being homeless is equsl to being drunk or that the homeless folks of our town somehow don’t deserve a beautiful park to sit in. I think the perception of what “homeless” looks like is distorted and stands in the way of genuine help by people who don’t bother to engage with someone who is homeless. I know that the priorities are housing; food, employment and adequate support services in order to address this problem. But, somewhere down the road I would love to be a part of establishing a program where homeless people could come for an hour or so and do something that feeds the soul. Maybe local artists could provide sketch pads and charcoal pencils and teach a simple class on drawing. Perhaps a writer could hold workshops for those who would like to write about their experiences or about anything, really. Maybe a weekly traveling library with donated books that people could have. People’s bodies need to be fed but I also think it’s vital that people’s souls are also fed and soothed. When you’re worrying about sleeping somewhere safe or how you’re going to eat it’s difficult to allow yourself to do anything creative or personal.
      Anyway, I’m glad this dialog is happening – it’s long overdue everywhere.

      • H- WPA

        An H-WPA Project…. great idea.

        I sense a momentum building to do something significant about this problem, rather than apply more proverbial band-aids. As you say, long-overdue.

        No one should worry about not having a place to live, or not having a basic income. Solving those two problems, and maybe throwing in free healthcare and education, would make many remember that America really can be a great place…

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