Referendum Petition for Annual Municipal Ballots Alternative to the Brattleboro Common Sense Version

Registered Voters can deliver #ReferndumPetitions in an envelope addressed to the Municipal Clerk’s Office into the black box at that says, “For Tax Payments” at the parking lot entrance of the Municipal building.

REFERENDUM PETITION for Annual Municipal Ballots

Whereas the 2020 Selectboard has approved a budget without resolve of enslavement reparations, police and prison abolition, the undersigned voters of the Brattleboro/Wantastegok Municipality hereby petition for referendums pursuant to Charter article 3 section 4; motioning a direct democratic public vote on the entire FY21 and budget ballots (which the 2020 Selectboard, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020) to be scheduled, warned, and accessible online.





Comments | 4

  • The above petition received a certification of declinat

    The above petition received a certification of declination based on the charter citation defined time of expiration which can be remedied by an alternative petition delivered the same day of after 5pm:

    Referendum Petition for Municipal Ballots
    Whereas the 2020 Select Board has approved a budget without resolve of enslavement reparations, police and prison abolition, the undersigned voters of the Brattleboro/Wantastegok Municipality hereby petition for referendums pursuant of motioning direct democratic public votes on the entire FY21 budget ballot (which the 2020 Select Board, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020) and all future ballots to be scheduled, warned, and accessible online.


    Note: Defining public electorate includes non resident commuters for work/study who may register in multiple regions regardless of greed card, nationality, felony, or identity status.

  • green card*

    green card*

  • Lets compare what the #RISE agenda of Burlington, Vermont to what the Brattleboro/Wantastegok fascist government has done/continues doing:

    1.”We motion the Mayor and or the City Council to declare racism a municipal health crisis” The selectboard members refuse to and deny Representatives access to gather to resolve motions to.

    2.”We motion the City Council to resolve that a “task force” be established to consider an apology and a proposal for reparations for the role that Burlington has played in Chattel Slavery.” The selectboard members refuse to budget for employing a Reparations office and cheaply depend on the volunteerism of middle school students and patriots.

    3.”We motion prioritizing the eradication of systemic racism in the creation of the budget.” The selectboard members passed the annual budget and disregarded the present participating public majority opposition.

    Reminder: the majority of voters elected the current selectboard members.

  • "fascist government"

    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4]

    Thank you, Rikki Risatti, for warning us.

    It truly frightens me to find out that our local government is characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

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