Flakiness Intensifies

The seasonal frozen precipitation continues. Brattleboro should have an abundance of new flakes by morning.

Anyone doing anything interesting?

Comments | 6

  • Wishing it were Spring.....

    Wishing it were Spring…..

  • shovelling ...

    … and more shovelling. Every day. For a long time.
    Hadn’t yet finished clearing away the last batch.
    (We have a long steep driveway)

    Is that interesting enough for you?

    I guess it keeps me fit, but … well, i agree with KAlden.


  • Shoveling strategies?

    As I shovel, I often wonder about others’ snow removal strategies. Generally I like to take full advantage of properties like temperature, gravity, & compaction. Alas, those haven’t served me well these last few storms.

    Do you wait until it is done snowing before you shovel or do you try to keep up with it by doing a first pass after a certain amount has accumulated? Are you linear in your approach? How fussy are you about the edges? Do you clear paths to the fuel tanks? How about for the meter reader? Do you rake your roof? How about the roofs of your outbuildings? Do you see a correlation between fastidious snow shovelers and those who maintain lawns meticulously?

    Curious minds want to know…

    • Clearing Paths

      I clear paths for the oil and gas delivery person but to hell with meter. If it’s such a damn “smart meter” it ought to be able to send it’s reading to Centcom.

      Roofs should’ve been raked by now. As we approach the end of Feb. we’ll start getting the “rainy” mix. The extra weight will not be good.

    • strategy

      I tend to wait until most of a storm has gone by before starting in, though it depends a bit on how much plows deposit at the end of the driveway. I like to try to keep up with that part, and not fall behind.

      My strategy starts with not parking as far up the driveway as I do in summer. It leaves less required to shovel. I do pathways first, so I can get around, then work my way down… shake off low trees, clean off car, etc. Then I deal with the snow on the ground. I shovel paths for animals, too, if I’m not worn out.

      I’m fussy for a while, then gradually give up as the year goes on. : )

      I’m wondering if we’ll be getting our super-duper snow removal on Cedar street this week prior to the ski jump. Some years, we get it, which is a major bonus and really helps reestablish lines of sight and pedestrian access.

  • More Heads are better

    More heads of Snow Giants are clearly called for.

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