Plant Trees with 350Vermont this Spring!

Rewild Brattleboro
Planting trees, sowing justice, growing community
350VT’s statewide Rewild Vermont project builds on synergies between food justice, climate action, and ecological restoration, and we’re excited to dig in locally! Fill out this google form to reserve trees to be planted this spring, either as an individual or as an organization.There is no charge for trees, but donations are welcome to pay it forward for ongoing plantings.

Comments | 1

  • Shade Tree Association II

    Glad to see this project taking place.

    For too long Brattleboro has allowed the loss of shade trees. The “tree streets” used to be lined with them. High Street used to be a shady walk into town.

    I would hope that a portion of these trees are planted close to the streets to help regain some of what’s been lost.

    Also, this reminds me of the Shade Tree Association from back in the 1800’s. They noticed trees in town being clear cut and had members make small donations and plant trees. Most of the remaining big old shade trees along streets are from this era.

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