Sanders Statement on Sen. James Jeffords

BURLINGTON, Vt., Aug. 18 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today on the death of former U.S. Sen. James Jeffords:

“Jane and I join all Vermonters in sending condolences to the family of Jim Jeffords. Jim was one of the most popular elected officials in the modern history of the state – serving at the local, state and federal levels. Vermonters admired him because of his low-key and down-to-earth qualities, and because of his obvious and strong love of the state and the Vermont way of life. He was an effective champion of education, disability rights, the environment and the arts – and millions of Americans have benefited from his efforts. In 2001, he displayed enormous courage by leaving a party that, he often said, had left him because of its dramatic move to the right. Jim was a friend and he will be sorely missed.”

Contact: Michael Briggs (202) 224-5141

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