Scrabble Anyone?

A Scrabble Club meets every Thursday night beginning at 6:00 PM at the Marlboro College Grad Center on Vernon Street.  We are an eclectic group of word nerds who play the game as it is played in a tournament setting, yet value and support newcomers in their exploration of Scrabble beyond the dining room table or cell phone.  

If I’ve piqued your curiosity and you don’t mind finding out how much you DON’T know about Scrabble, we invite you to bring that curiosity along with your sense of humor to our club.  

Generally we have about 10 players of varying abilities, and we’ll start you off with an opponent who likes to help with the orientation process but does not possess expert word knowledge.  You’ll be allowed to reference a 2-letter word list and be allowed free challenges in your first visit and until you’ve gotten comfortable.  You’ll also find that while we don’t require any commitment to study, we do value improvement and will be happy to offer tips and resources to help you improve if that’s what you want.

We provide all the equipment, so just show up and play!  Please message me directly or call me at 971-344-8730 with any questions.  

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