Vermont Partnership Updates Vision, Mission

Brattleboro. Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity has revised its vision, mission, and position statements according to Dr. Ann-Marie White, president of the organization’s board of directors.

“We refined our vision, mission, and position statements after listening closely to the attendees at our 3rd Annual Vermont Vision for a Multicultural Future Conference held in early November,” states White. The participant-driven conference celebrated the completion of the first decade of Vermont Partnership’s four-decade in length Vermont Vision for a Multicultural Future Initiative. Formerly known as Facing Change: The Changing Face of Vermont, the initiative prepares the state, its leaders, and residents for an increasingly multi-racial/ethnic/lingual/cultural/abled landscape.

White explains, “The newly distilled vision of ‘a Vermont recognized as the epicenter of diversity, inclusion, and equity thought and practice’ resonates with the collective aspirations of our partners and the state’s long history fighting for social justice. Our shortened mission statement, ‘for the people of Vermont, we work to strengthen inclusive and equitable practices as a means to eliminate prejudice and discrimination of all kinds,’ highlights the acquisition of business or institutional essential skills.”

In addition to the revised vision and mission statements, the board of directors approved a new position statement: The economic relevance and viability of diverse communities are driving forces for communities-at-large. Illuminating the challenges and supporting best practices to address those challenges create equitable, inclusive and sustainable communities for all.

The new vision, mission and position statements will begin to appear on printed materials, websites, and social media in December. A registered nonprofit with tax-exempt status, Vermont Partnership is a proven, effective resource that leaders turn to for support and advocacy related to inclusion, diversity, and equity in the public sphere. For more information call (802) 254-2972 or e-mail

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