S. 241 First Senate Vote

Windham County voters- Please look up the first vote on Wed by the Senate on S.241, the marijuana legalization bill. Our Senator, Becca Balint, voted against it. Jeanette White voted in favor and she has championed this bill from the start. We need to remember this at election time

Comments | 2

  • why she voted against

    According to VPR’s Vermont Edition today, Sen Balint voted against because it didn’t go far enough — it does not allow people to grow their own. Perhaps she knew there were enough votes for it to pass and therefore there was not a risk to voting against to protest this aspect?

    • I may have acted too quickly.

      I may have acted too quickly. She did vote for the final bill. That is the risk of not having all of the facts before you speak publicly. My apologies.

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