Public Farewell to Brattleboro Town Manager Barb Sondag

The Brattleboro Selectboard, Administration and Staff invite the public to a farewell celebration for outgoing Town Manager Barb Sondag on Friday, July 19, 2013 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room, Suite 212 at the Municipal Center. You are also invited to meet the Interim Town Manager Patrick Moreland. Cake and punch will be served.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Comments | 2

  • Thanks for the long hours and hard work

    Barb has been at the helm for quite a ride, and has done a good job of organizing and professionalizing the town departments.

    I remember back when she was Assistant Town Manager and Human Resource Administrator and one of her first major official duties seemed to be to official explainer. Whenever the Town Manager or Selectboard would be asked some sort of a technical question, they’d all turn to Barb for a response. She’d then be able to explain the related statutes, authorizations, and rationales for whatever issue was under discussion.

    When she became Interim Town Manager, many saw her as most knowledgeable about the current ins and outs of the municipality. It wasn’t long (well, not too long…) before the Selectboard dropped the “interim” from her title. Little, however, was made of the history being made. Brattleboro had never had a female Town Manager.

    Barb has quite a string of “successes” under her proverbial belt, from managing multiple selectboards and numerous concerned individuals to managing multiple disasters. She should feel well-equipped to do just about anything. Especially, say, take a few weeks off between jobs.

    Once a year, I’d apply to become Fence Viewer. Before the online forms, we’d have to send an official letter of interest, and I’d always address mine formally to Ms. Sondag. In recent years, I’ve tried to sneak it into form fields.

    Best of luck with your return to the midwest, Ms. Sondag. Drop us a line when you get there so we know you made it safely…

    • Hear Hear

      Barb took over in a muddled situation and has navigated the town through a lot of trials and tribulations. We’ve put her through the Brattleboro wringer and she carried on. Thanks for all your long days and nights, your patience, brains and humour, Barb. You’ll be missed. Good luck.

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