Brattleboro Water Service Mailing Warning

Many residents in the Brattleboro area are currently receiving mailings from HomeServe USA Repair Management Corp in regard to water service line responsibility. HomeServe is an independent company that offers residential repair coverage plans and is not affiliated with the local utility that supplies water to residents. This mailing is a solicitation to purchase insurance from HomeServe and is not associated with any utilities furnished by the Town of Brattleboro Water Department.

While it is true a homeowner is responsible for their water line to the house, it can also be said that a well installed copper water line can last many years. From Brattleboro’s database, there are over 400 water services installed prior to 1950 and another 500 that do not have dates out of 3200 records. Brattleboro at this time, requires copper pipe under the street and the homeowner can choose the remaining pipe to the house.

Ultimately, it is the homeowner’s choice if they wish to purchase insurance. Brattleboro’s water customers are welcome to call the Department of Public Works at 254-4255 with any questions.

Department of Public Works
Water Department

Comments | 1

  • So it's a scam... or not?

    Sounds like the water dept is trying to warn us that the insurance is not worth buying, but they are afraid to outright call it a scam?

    Is the Dept trying to tell us that when you calculate the small likelihood that you might need to replace the line, the cost of replacing the line, and the cost of the insurance; that it is a poor financial decision to purchase the insurance? It sounds like that is what they are trying to say, but it is kind of frustrating to try to parse the meaning of this rather opaque notice.

    What is this company’s track record in other communities?

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