Mary Shiminsky is Back

Maybe I just don’t get out enough but today I noticed the name “Mary Shiminski” in white letters back up on the rusty Bratt-Chesterfield border railroad overpass. I thought, we have such literate, history-loving grafitti artists. For background:


Comments | 3

  • Also noticed that today

    I drive that way three or four days a week and noticed it this morning as well…

  • That is so great to hear!

    That is so great to hear! Photos? I remember once reading a newspaper article about the origin of that bit of art. A Townie story of sorts IIRC. I’d be interested in knowing what’s happened to the principals since then. I’m not in town, does the new text included “I love you?” like the old did? It wouldn’t be the same without that.

    Ah, here’s the article:,339989

    • Evolving Graffiti

      First it said I LOVE U
      Then someone added letters to become I LOVE RUST
      Then a Y appeared I LOVE RUSTY
      Then MARY SHIMINSKY appeared in front of the I
      So I suppose right now it officially says MARY SHIMINSKY I LOVE RUSTY

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