Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – FY19 Budget Approved, Town Meeting Warnings Set

The Brattleboro Selectboard held a five minute meeting on Tuesday evening, sans David Schoales, to take final steps to approve their budget and meeting warnings.

Chair Kate O’Connor said that this is the same budget that they had been discussing “over and over and over,” and that they needed to approve it and send it along to Representative Town Meeting.

“So moved,” said John Allen.

Town Manager Peter Elwell said in a hoarse voice that they were indeed at the end of the process.

“Nick Nolte can’t talk much,” teased Allen.

The FY19 budget was approved 4-0.

Not wasting any time, the board then took up the matter of meeting warnings.

“I assume there are no changes,” said O’Connor.

Elwell said that article 14 had been updated to reflect new totals based on decisions made at the board’s previous meeting.

For RTM, the Town business will come first, followed by schools. There are 30 articles for consideration by representatives.

The selectboard voted 4-0 in favor of the meeting warnings, then quickly adjourned.

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