Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – Committee Interviews and Human Services Increases

Brattleboro Selectboard sept 22 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard held a special meeting to accept the recommendation of Representative Town Meeting and increase the Human Services budget, giving every applying organization extra money.

They spent the bulk of the meeting interviewing prospective candidates for the Community Safety Review Committee, then voting on them. The Committee is now formed.

Comments | 31

  • Preliminaries

    Chair Tim Wessel calls the meeting back to order. They met earlier for executive session. No official remarks, other than he is excited for this meeting. It is the end of the process for the board and beginning of a process for the community. Excited to get moving and form the committee.

    Peter Elwell has no comments.

    No board comments or reports.

    Public participation… none.

  • Human Services Funding Adjustment

    Elwell – RTM increased the amount of funding for Human Services agencies. The increase is from $190,105 to $210,340.50 to increase all agencies amounts by 10% and give The Root gets $7,000 as fully requested. There is a men that explains all of this, plus what was recommended and what RTM approved. The board is not obligated to approve the recommendation to each agency, but based on the discussion at RTM and staff review, we recommend you approve the simple motion to give the power of your authority to saying yes to the adjustment. Then we can cut the checks. We need you to act so we can know what to write the checks for. If you take other action, we’ll follow it.

    Tim – the board doesn’t get too involved in the human services review committee. It is RTM’s committee.


  • Community Safety Review Committee Applicants

    Tim – I can go over the board review for how we do this, but I also have suggestions. (he reads the rules – upon conclusion of interviews, the board shall consider all candidates, each candidate can nominate more than one, they are voted on in order, vote are recorded, and it is continued until committee is filled.) Basically we all, generally people get nominated. I suggest we nominate the slate.

    Daniel – what does this look like after we are done. If I nominate 9 people we’d vote on that slate?

    Tim – let’s do nominations first. I suggest we nominate everyone who hasn’t withdrawn already, and that will speed us along, then we can vote by order of application.

    Daniel – who had withdrawn?

    Elwell – 3. HB Lozito, Kate O’Connor, Shea…

    Applicants: Tyler Boone, Drift Mavyn, Kelsey Rice, Annaliese Griffin, Cassandra Holloway, Scott Cooper , Eli K. Coughlin-Galbraith, Douglas Cox, Lana Dever, Terry Carter, Malaika Puffer, Darlene Derby, Kazmir Dewolfe, Robert Oeser, Alex Fischer, Maya Shulman-Ment, Sonia Silbert, Lisa Rae, Art Meiss, Ain Thompson, Laura Stamas, Molly Steinmark, and Franz Reichsman.

    Elwell – you will vote on every person, and very likely some will be ties. So, after voting, you might have more than 9, and then you vote again, and keep going until seats are filled.

    Daniel – if we vote for each person… say we get through 12 and 9 have gotten 5 votes, will that be the end of the process?

    Elwell – no, the flaw is it is like selecting a pope, you keep voting even though you don’t need to vote any longer. It is cumbersome and a sorting process. You could do a majority vote, but I suggest not.

    Daniel – so it is clear, if we did arrive at 9 candidates who had 5 votes, we’d continue to vote and we might get more, and everyone else would fall off,

    Elwell – and you’d revote on those 15. It won’t be the luck of the draw. You’l keep voting for all…

    Tim – let’s nominate a slate and then start voting in order of submission. Thinking ahead, I made a chart with the order everyone applied – then a place for our votes. Will this be helpful?

    Elwell – we’ll type up the results.

    Tim – just reading the rules, each candidate gets voted on by each member by voice.

    Liz – we’re nominating everyone…

    Brandie – yes.

    Tim – whether or not they are here…

    Liz – everyone got applications on time.

    Ian – that’s complicated.

    Daniel – and there will be a little puff of smoke when we are done.

    Peter – it means you can vote for all and do a sorting process together rather than just vote on nine.

    Tim – how long should people talk? 5 minutes – that’s two hours. Pretty long. I can time it. Ian can help me.

    (5 minutes is fine)

    Daniel – we also already have applications, so it isn’t just this 5 minutes.

    Tim – we got three suggested questions from Peter.

    Daniel – I’d like to propose a question.

    Tim – Why do you want to serve? Do you have any potential conflicts of interest of bias we should know about? Anything else we should know about you before we vote?

    Daniel – Why you want to be on the committee is already answered. I’d suggest – what is your personal experience with police and being marginalized or oppressed?

    Brandie – seems relevant.

    Liz – I don’t think that’s the only criteria – it is open to all members of the public. We weigh this more heavily, but it is up to our judgement. Applications already mention this. This question is duplicative. Why do you want to be on the committee is broader…

    Tim – I agree.

    Brandie – I like keeping to focused on that experience.

    Ian – we can rely on the language of the RFP and emphasize applicants who have this experiences without excluding. I imagine anyone answering questions will talk about that.

    Tim – the questions are general enough to let people go where they want to go. I’d like to have some people who know how things currently work. We shouldn’t be eating the witness. We know what the rfp says and what our choices will be.

    Daniel – I know what I’m looking for, and that’s what I’m looking for. Let me know that you have or haven’t had that experience.

    Tim – board comments after everyone speaks to us?

    Daniel – comments about why we are voting?

    Tim – what’s guiding our vote…

    Ian – are we asking them to answer all 3 questions and give them 5 minutes, or do you want to ask each?

    Daniel – let’s ask them the questions.

    Liz – it will keep everyone on track

    Tim – there is at least one caller.

    Daniel – we have on order of applicants. Tyler – if they aren’t here we’ll skip them and come back at the end?

    Liz – we got a request from someone to go first. Eli.

    Franz Reichsman – I was wondering, it might be that the board wants to do a second round of questions if you get to ties. Do you need to talk about that now?

    Liz – it sounds like that would be discussion among the selectboard at that point.

    Daniel – I know many of the applicants already. I’m sure we’ll each have people we want on the committee and it will all come out in the wash.

    Peter – so you just said, you will hear from their 5 minutes, but not again. People can leave the meeting when their turn is up.

    Liz – I nominate the slate of 23 people…

    Ian – once we’ve gone through once, I’d like to make sure any latecomers are accommodated, but not once we start voting.

    Tim – and we’ll have a break at 8 pm.

    Liz – I nominate the entire slate of 23 individuals for the committee.


  • Eli K. Coughlin-Galbraith

    Eli – I do have potential conflicts of interest. I’m on the board of Out In the Open. We have a board meeting tonight. I co-own shape-shifters, a clothing company at Cotton Mill. I want to be on the committee because I have a perspective – I am a business owner, transgender, moved here in 2016, trying to build community in the queer, theater and business communities. We’ve encountered threats to our safety in all of these spheres. It’s been a project to bring this together and cross-pollinate, how it works as a transgender person walking down the street. If I have the right clothing and am read as a man running a business then I’m treated differently then when my hair is spiked up and purple and someone shouted at me that it was a”Christian weekend”. That’s why I want to be on the committee. There’s one other thing, and that is just that over the last few years I have considered checking into the retreat because I didn’t believe the Retreat was a safe place for me or people like me. I opted not to seek healthcare. That seems like a relevant point to community safety. Any questions?

  • Tyler Boone

    Tim – Tyler are you with us?

    Tyler –

    Tim – i don’t see or hear anything, so he’ll go to the end of the list.

  • Drift Mavyn

    Daniel suggest they repeat the questions: Why do you want to be on the committee? Potential conflicts of interest or bias? Anything else we should know before we vote?

    Drift – if not now, when. There is national conversation going on and I feel called and compiled to be on the committee. I like committees with a diverse group of people. I’m concerned with how public safe is made safe particularly to queer and trans folks. Police treat them differently. I’d like to see public and civil education to move the community forward. I’d be happy to give my seat to a person of color. I’m queer and trans identified. Tim Wessel is my landlord, so yes, a conflict. I have an internal review process, liberal minded, but I do have biases. A lifetime of unpacking that. I’ve been in Brattleboro for a year after graduating with my social work degree. There are great opportunities to involve the Retreat in this and I’d like to see improvements there. I’m from the Pacific Northwest originally.

  • Kelsey Rice

    Kelsey – anyone that knows me that 5 minutes is not a lot of time for me to cover my ground. I want to serve because I can and our voices as survivors need to be heard. When I give my public testimony people will be surprised by my perspective. There is nothing unique. I work with abused domestic violence impacted families. And I have my own process with the police. I believe every time I tell my story that I honor the good work that has come. We need to give that feedback, to thank officers and others in the legal system, but many will be shocked by the gaps in our system. It’s not good. I hear these stories with survivors in the community. I have incredible privilege in the community. The harms I’ve experience since my domestic violence incident have been great. I am willing and able to speak about it. Conflicts of interest? I work for Easter Seals, which works with DCS. I called the PD to advocate for a client, but I don’t work with the police. I can get info because of the work I’ve done. Perkins gave me the info I needed. The Chief can speak to it… I’ve heard about defunding and abolishing, and we need to look at those things, but we have to look at moments of crisis. When I call 911 they need to come, able to use force. We need officers to be able to protect us, so we shouldn’t rush this process. I have so much to say…. I’ll leave it at that.

  • Annaliese Griffin

    Annaliese – it is bedtime at my house right now so there may be kids interloping here. I want to be on the committee because I work in the criminal justice system – a board member and volunteer at BCJC. I’m also a journalist with the Marshall project. I’ve come to understand more of the system than I as a privileged person has had contact with, and have learned how many lacerative we have now – what an interesting and timely conversation at the moment. I’m trying to deepen my work. Conflicts? Mell, at BCJC, asked us to apply. No problem with Marshall Project, either. I have a perspective, a point of view, not bias. Other things to know? I grew up in VT and lived all over the place and returned 4 years ago. Really grateful to be in a place where you can have an impact and have a community that works collaboratively, with candor and intelligence. I’d like to continue to do that work on this committee. That’s it, and it is bedtime.

    Ian – system involved?

    Annaliese – I mean it broadly – people who have been formerly incarcerated being reintegrated. My specific experience is with PNP and the long tail of their prison experience. I’d take it to mean everything from pre-trial to being hassled on the street by law enforcement to DCS. My experience is more specific.

  • Cassandra Holloway

    Cassandra -who I am is why I want to serve. I’ve been a substance abuse disorder helper for years. Want to help youth and families. I direct BAPC, and we got a grant to serve LQBTQ community. We’ve broadened it to BIPOC youth as well. I’ve worked with police department quite a bit in my work, and Chief Fitzgerald is a pioneer in how to work with people struggling with substance abuse. We started at the same time. He’s learned and adapted. I believe, he’s leaving, that whomever takes his place will take it seriously. I work with Human Services, mostly around housing, from working at SEVCA. I also have a string network around Continued Care, on board of Turning Point, and Chief Fitz is on the steering committee there. I am committed to this community, since 1997. I live right in town and have a deep love and belief in this community and use what I know about behavior change and what can be done, and use my network and knowledge to help this along, and I want to learn. I look forward to receiving as much as I’m offering.

  • Scott Cooper

    Scott – I’m impressed with the candidates and I don’t feel falsely humble to say I feel really unqualified compared to those who have come before (and after) me. Why serve? It is personal. I have one black child and am constantly having fascinating conversations with them. Serving on the committee will enrich the conversations with my children. Second, I’m the minister at Center Congregational. I’d want myself and the church in the community, intimately involved and invested, as we are on Main Street. I’m interested in educating myself. I’m new to the country. Most of my time was in Africa. Here 2.5 years. I’m interested in learning about local and national issues. Ir makes me less qualified, but it is true. I’m motivated by my faith, and the concept of justice. There cannot be peace without justice. Lastly, I see myself as a bridge builder in the community. I have a PHD in history, in fascism and totalitarianism. I’ve been a crisis intake worker for a shelter. I have had an experience of police brutality. I was almost killed by a police dog wet on me because I was white. I almost bled to death. I needed support and an attorney to keep me safe. Do I have conflict of interest or biases? No, I don’t believe I do, though I argue hard with conservatives and moderation with liberals, to keep people evaluating things fairly.

  • Douglas Cox

    Douglas – I live out on Sunset Lake Rd, and my internet is unstable. My application contain most of the info you are asking about. We are in a time of great opportunity. We have the opportunity to improve and strengthen our culture and community in ways that don’t come around often. As best we can… we can make Brattleboro a better community and model it for other parts of the country and world. I don’t have a particular perspective. Community and democracy must work, and people must feel safe in their civic life. There are barriers and that is threat to our democratic community. Finding ways to overcome historic patterns and do better as a community is something I’m willing to devote a good deal of time to. I’m semi-retired and business is slow so I have considerable time for this process. 20 years experiences as RTM member. I understand town government and politics. The way the community sees itself. We need a recommendation, vision, plan that is actionable that can make a difference. I’d like to be sure what we end up with is understood and seen as something to make the entire community better. No conflicts of interest. I’ve been and worked int he Quaker community, giving me practice in listening and how to discern and build group action on a higher level. I have some process skills. My most important concern is you help this process to succeed.

  • Lana Dever

    Lana -Why serve? For a black woman living in VT it isn’t a choice to put my foot in this game. It chose me a long time ago. I came here 17 years ago, grew up in DC. I thought VT would be a regressive oasis. In some ways I was correct, and in other ways I’ve experience some of the more cutting racism I’ve experienced in my life. It is more than police officers. In VT it is insidious – who does and doesn’t belong. Black Veermonters aren’t seen as Vermonters. You can’t assimilate wot whiteness. It is important to be a voice for black Vermonters. When I moved here I volunteered for meals on Wheels, the Big Sister, United Way, Youth Services – I’m invested in this community, and want to find a way to bridge – my back and body has been used to build this country. I feel like I belong here, and want to give a voice to people in the community – some don’t believe in this process yet. Biases? I’m black, I work at Youth Services…I’m deeply invested in community and restorative processes. Police don’t need to show up with sirens blaring. Knowing my neighbors is more important. Thanks for considering me, and for this process.

  • Terry Carter

    Terry – (has trouble with internet connection)

  • Malaika Puffer

    Malaika – Why join? It is important to me that the perspective of those who have interacted with the mental health system are included on this committee. That’s my motivation. You know my experience. I’ve received services at every level in VT and worked at HCRS. I do have a conflict of interest – Shea is my partner and she was not planning on applying when I did, so know that. I feel confident about our ability to navigate that, if you feel it is appropriate. Nothing else to add. My application and previous conversation with you are fine.

  • Darlene Derby

    Tim – If you are with us….

    (not with us)

  • Kazmir DeWolfe

    Kazmir – living in Brattleboro for 5 years. I’m psychiatrical disabled. I worked as a patient advocate and doing patient outreach, visiting patients at Brattleboro Retreat and met with many struggling with accessing safety in the community, experiencing violence, homelessness, police brutality. I’ve been hospitalized several times myself and when in crisis we call suicide hotline or a support hotline, inevitably if there is an intervention the police show up. Not best for a crisis. That’s why I want to be on the committee. I’ve struggled with homelessness, a single parent, multiracial child and she has had violent interventions in kindergarten – routinely put in a closet while having meltdowns. It is a painful story. I’m also trans and queer, living in Section 8. I have seen a lot of violence and experience a lot of violence and I want the community to have space for everyone. I feel shell-shocked a lot of the time. Any conflicts or biases – yes, we all have biases. I’ve done a lot work to unlearn racial bias, class bias… I was middle class. My only conflict is I have string feelings on policing based on my experiences and current practices across the country. I called Brandie a boot-licker on Facebook, but we can move past that.

    Brandie – I think we’re good… I want to acknowledge the stories coming into our space and hold it thought the evening.

    Tim – we’ll take a break in about 10 minutes.

  • Robert Oeser

    Bob – I’ll try to be brief. The reason I want to be involved is that it is an historic activity and would like to be part of it. I have some reservations – in terms of what I bring to this in terms of networking – much is restricted in the age of COVID. It gets funneled into eh digital realm. I have conflicts and biases – I’m privileged, retired from work in NY, and I worked in a county jail, probation, parole, corrections… moved to Brattleboro, work with BCJC and also with CORE experts now called Collaborative Neighbors, dealing with issues. Important work that needs to go with this committee.

  • Alex Fischer,

    Alex – thanks to everyone who went already. Thanks board. I don’t envy your position tonight and the bizarre voting process. Why join? I’m not sure if I know I want to be on the committee. I want there to be a committee and a process. I’ve worked with the collaborative team on the proposal and qualifications, I stand behind where we have come to and what’s bee agreed upon and what that stands for. Reasons not to pick me.. I don’t have experience of violence or forced with interaction with police. The majority of my interactions is due to being an adoptee parent of trans kid. Other are better equipped to share than I am. I am connected to the community, work with The Root and Out in the Open. Work with Queer and trans rights and BIPOC racial justice. There are not a full slate of BIPOC folk. I have 15 years of organizing experiences. I don’t want to burn down the police station or do away with cops. Currently we have few options for community safety. I want a multitude of options. No current conflicts of interest. This work will happen and I’ll be part of it on this committee or not. I just want you to choose the best committee for this work.

    Tim – time for a 10 minute break.

  • Maya Shulman-Ment

    Tim – we are up to Maya who will join us next. Thanks.

    Maya – Why join? I moved here 2 years ago as part of my social work education. An internship at the Retreat, then I stayed. I now work at HCRS with children and families and I’m interested in serving – my daily work is micro work – one on one. It is ineffective way to make change. Macro social work is system change. This feels like an opportunity to lend my skills. I’ve interacted with systems of control, and I work within these systems but hold a crucial lens and look for ways to reform. I do have that conflict of interest but that can be a strength. I think of community safety goes beyond policing – our food system, our housing, recreation… they are all part of community safety. I have 10 years working in mental health and non profits, and community assessment. My philosophy is we should be moving toward de-incarceration and restorative justice. I have group process skills and believe in healthy conflict. Thanks for doing this process. It is really important.

  • Sonia Silbert

    Sonia – the ball for the dog just knocked over a wine glass… I’d like to be on the committee – I moved here 3 years ago from DC and moving to Brattleboro blew my mind. Like learning that Vermont’s criminal justice system pays for restorative justice, and we turned down militarized equipment. There has been amazing work in the state and town to make this a healthy place to live. We all know there is so much more to happen and so much hurt and trauma – we have an opportunity go further and explore and implement something truly transformative. I feel like I might not be the right pick – we’ve heard from people with more lived experience than I have. These other folks are coming with such wisdom and analysis that it is valuable to learn from. I would bring a lot of experience with groups, systems of power, I’m a facilitator and trainer and have done work around anti-racism. I am aware of power dynamics. I hope you know other directors of social service agencies are heard in other ways. This committee is for people who’s voices aren’t always heard. No conflicts of interests, but biases – I’m white and landlord with stability in my life.

  • Lisa Rae

    Rae – thanks. I’m amazed and have gratitude for the care and courage in the community. part of why I want to be on this. The engagement of the Town is inspiring. I’m 1st generation college grad and first with an advance degree. I’m an atty in town, general counsel for SIT. I was in private practice for a while, then pro bono civil rights cases. I worked at VT Legal Aid. I work with our local court system. I do have a lived experience. I grew up in a volatile household that saw a lot fo police interaction. I can sort through things to make the community more inclusive and safe for everyone. This community is a chance to truly listen and hear from the community so the Town can better meet those needs. No conflicts of interest.

  • Art Meiss

    Farr – I’m interested in joining because of a deep and abiding commitment to justice, and doing my best to make sure voices that have been ignored are brought into the conversation. People whose safety has been compromised for security of others. Trying to flip the script and people who make decisions about community safety are those affected by those priorities. I do have some lived experience of police abuse and have seen a lot of it toward others. As far as bias and conflicts, it is a tricky question. If you have experience with police that will color your perceptions. I don’t wake from nightmares anymore, or flinch when I see a man in uniform, but it would be a lie to say I am neutral about police. Like others. It shouldn’t be a disqualifying thing. Despite my experience, others have had more, more acute, and more local experiences than I have. If there is still room, I’d love to so some public service and help out.

  • Ain Thompson

    Ain – this is going long, and for conflicts of interest, I’m friends with 3 of 4 of you on Facebook, and I’ve talked with Ian at a polling station. I also do development and outreach for Out in the Open. I could talk about my own testimony. I’m from Philly, I came out as queer, and trans, and have experienced violence. What I’m really bringing is that I care about this process and do bring a lot of organizational skills. I care really deeply that everyone feel safe and heard in the community. I want to work on it, and present information. I worked in event safety – security for concerts, restorative justice, but picking me would be about someone willing to talk to anyone. I don’t have the most lived experience, but if you pick me I’ll work hard.

  • Laura Stamas

    Laura – I have horrible internet. I’ll talk on the phone. I have been a public school teacher in Greenfield for 14 years and lived here for 12 years and feel like I am drawn to applying to be on this because I have spent a lot of time in Greenfield bringing some of these practices into another community and want to give back here. The school I’m at was brand new and we had the opportunity to create new systems and I’ve worked on a team of 9-10 people trying to change the way we think about school and restorative justice practices and what we do when student don’t follow rules. It’s rooted in work around trauma. If you have been hurt in the past you will like hurt others. I’m drawn to thinking about things differently. I’ve loved listening to people tonight and would like to work with them. I was struck by lived experience tonight, and as a teacher I’ve heard many hard stories from youth. I’ll bring empathy and can listen to these stories. It is hard work but I can do that work. I have some lived experiences. As a queer youth I had some hard interactions with police, an they shouldn’t have been. It was scary as a queer 19 year old to interact with police as I did. It still affects me now. But not the same experiences as others tonight. I have bias. I’m white. I’ve done antiracism training, I work on equity issues and am still learning. I am appreciating that this is existing and you are listening.

  • Molly Steinmark

    Molly – thanks to everyone for taking the time. I want to yield to folks with more lived experience than I do. I think it would be a huge disservice to the committee and the process if they aren’t on the committee. That said, if there is still room, it would be an honor to be a part of this. Why serve? I deeply care about my community and all those who live in it. Lived here 31 years and I’ve gotten to know a wide cross section of folks and it pains me to see that there are folks that don’t feel safe, impacted by carceral systems and I’d like to do what I can to enact some change. I’m looking forward to this however it unfolds. Great potential for a systemic change. I’m a queer person, worked for the past 6 years as a community outreach specialist for Families First and people with disabilities. I’m a musician, and some of those skills – deep listening skills and a large dose of empathy and compassion. I’m here for my community and why I’d like to serve. Conflicts of interest? I’m facebook friends with Brandie and Daniel. I have limited awareness as a white person, and I am actively working on packing biases. The RFP prioritizes people with lived experience, they should be top priority.

  • Franz Reichsman

    Franz – very impressive and hearing stories so far. The reason I’m last, when I clicked to submit, on 11:58 on the final evening. I had some ambivalence. If I belong on the committee it s for a couple of reasons. I might raise some questions otherwise overlooked – for example – concerns about civil unrest by right wing action group and how the town would respond. I don’t know what the next 6-8 weeks will hold for us. I take a broad view of public safety. On my bias, it is gradual progressivism – really smart to move in a step wise fashion. Moving too far too fast risks failure and backlash. I might eb a voice of moderation. The task is very difficult in the time allotted. Creating the committee structure, working with coordinators – there is a lot of decision making. What does public safety mean, – that means interviewing a wide variety of people with different points of view and think of budgetary implications in January. Getting it all done by Dec 31 is a tall order. People should go in knowing it is a big, big, big project and must be fast on their feet, and think about how it plays out in the long term. I know the board and you all have an impassion of how I work within town administrative structures. I’ve you think I’d be useful, I’l do my best.

    Tim – we have three names to circle back to… Tyler.

  • Tyler Boone

    Tim – did we lose a window?

    Tyler –

    Tim – if you are on the line, raise your hand otherwise we’ll move on to Terry Carter.

  • Terry Carter

    Terry – – my whole internet went down. I am versatile. I was a single parent with a bi-racial daughter raising her in Brattleboro;eboro. There was polite racism. Now she is a bisexual biracial person. I’m an artists. People are often gay or of different origins and I personally enjoy it, but I’ve been here 40 years. (breaking up…) Act 250 and we challenged a huge warehouse grocery distribution on Putney Rd. It was controversial at the time. I’m… (breaking up)… through BCTV, and got involved and help document the Act 250 process. I worked on climate at the high school in the 90’s. I produced a show every year at BCTV, and waved a year and was a good listener. The production came out better by waiting. I was also involved with the dog shooting. That was incendiary and passionate, and through the CPCC, and those of us who stuck with it were rewarded. Police were trained in how to handle dogs. I also spearheaded the wetland cleanup, and it took several years to connect the dots and getting people interested. I’m good at following through. I’m passionate about the condition of the world right now. This is an incredible opportunity.

  • Darlene Derby

    Darlene – not quite sure what I’m supposed to say (questions are repeated…). I don’t think I have any conflicts. I’m on disability. I have the lived experience with he homelessness and addiction and interaction with the police. I’ll be 3 years clean and am a certified recovery coach and active in the community. I’ve done the justice program, which I loved to death. if you pick me, I’m not that smart but a fast learner and glad to be a part of the committee. I’ve lived here 48 years, and want to make this a better place for my kids and grandkids. I do work with the police on some things. Project CARE. I haven’t been out on their walks yet but hope to.

  • Tyler Boone

    Tim – last chance if you can join us… Peter is back.

    Liz – want to make sure he isn’t penalized for not being here. It wasn’t an requirement of the application.

    Brandie – I agree.

    Tim – and amazing everyone else could join us.

  • The Voting

    Brandie – should we vote down the list.

    Daniel – I want to say thanks.

    Brandie – thank you, and it isn’t taken lightly that we hold space for stories. Thanks for bringing them to this space and being brave and vulnerable. Ready to vote.

    Ian – I echo that and if you aren’t selected, there are many qualified candidates, and participation in the process – I encourage everyone to be apart of the process as it moves forward.

    Tim – I encourage everyone on the list to participate.

    Liz – thanks to everyone for applying. It was difficult, I’m sure. Everyone has the whole of the community in mind.

    Tim, round one…. – Tyler (2), Drift (5), Kelsey (5), Annaliese (5), Cassandra (3), Scott (2), Eli (2), Douglas (1), Lana (5), Terry (0), Malaika (2), Darlene (4), Kazmir (3), Robert (4), Alex (3), Maya (5), Sonia (2), Rae (3), Farr (2), Ain (3), Laura (5), Molly (2), Franz (3).

    Peter – Six people got 5 votes Drift, Kelsey, Annaliese, Lana, Maya, and Laura. There are two people with 4 votes so that would get you to 8. Darlene and Robert. There is one seat left and six people with three votes, so the next round is choosing among Cassandra, Kazmir, Alex, Rae, Ain, and Franz.

    Franz – since you have good candidates and their hearts are in it more, I’ll step back. Thanks very much.

    Brandie has a smudge stick ready to light as a signal….

    Tim, round 2 – Cassandra (3), Kazmir (3), Alex (2), Rae (2), Ain (3)…

    Peter – Cassandra, Kazmir and Ain are in round 3.

    Tim, round 3 – Cassandra (2), Kazmir (3), Ain (1)

    Peter – you have selected Kazmir and the other members of the committee.

    Tim – congratulations to all selected and to the board for getting through this and everyone for giving us a really hard time.

    Brandie – this is the best we’ve worked in a while and I’ve enjoyed this meeting more than any since may.

    Ian – I wish the committee luck and skill.

    Brandie – thanks for sharing trauma in this space.

    Liz – all the applicants honor the town. Thanks for your willingness to serve.


    To review: Drift Mavyn, Kelsey Rice, Annaliese Griffin, Lana Dever, Darlene Derby, Kazmir Dewolfe, Robert Oeser, Maya Shulman-Ment,and Laura Stamas are the committee.

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