Selectboard Meeting Notes – They Like Us, Union Station, and Great Rates

Selectboard October 5

Promotion of Brattleboro was a primary topic at the regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard Tuesday. Blue Whale Public Relations had some typical Zoom-related delays but otherwise gave a solid report on their early efforts to reach out to the media.

Hybrid meetings will continue for a while longer, favorable financing for the water treatment facility was announced, new stop signs are official, and Union Station might be sold for a dollar in order to save as much as $100,000.

Comments | 9

  • Preliminaries

    (I didn’t actually get the meeting warning for some reason. Not sure if they sent it out, but the agenda and notes didn’t arrive on Friday as they usually do. I got other meeting warnings, but not this one. It is the first Tuesday, though, and so I’m here.)

    They are late getting started, or zoom is broken. Over 5 minutes of waiting…nothing on BCTV either. Ah, 7 minutes late and they get started.

    Chair Elizabeth McLoughlin – asks if this was warned properly and the answer was yes. We’ve been busy with lots of meetings. I have one remark – yesterday we had an executive session from 2:30 until 7:45… we did adjourn and took no action.

    Jessica Gelter – Monday is Indigenous People’s Day – love that Vermont is doing this. The land we are on was taken from Abenaki and given without a treaty to William Brattle who never stepped a foot here. We need to acknowledge that history. We still have indigenous people in the community doing lots of great and wonderful work, and the culture. Eugenics happened in VT – an attempt to erase and destabilize the population.

    Tim Wessel – I had two quackish things. Three now. Thanks, Jessica for the reminder. Not only did Brattleboro declare that, but we beat the state, in my second year on the board. Same with the plastic bag ban. Peter Elwell just a few days ago received VLCT’s lifetime achievement award. Usually reserved for people who spend a lifetime, but they wanted to recognize his contributions to Brattleboro over the last 7 years. Finally, a positive spin – on the local cannabis advisory committee there has been good progress in public health, discussions about warning labels, the number of feet away from schools, the role of municipalities with zoning. The distressing part to me, another subcommittee has gone forward with a very poor recommendation for VT towns and taxpayers – setting a very low cap to which towns can have any fees to them. Fees to the state are generous. To towns, it is insulting low. Not a done deal, but… I’m doing the best I can to advocate.

    Jessica – are there any steps that community members can get involved in.

    Tim – I’ll be writing about it soon. I’ll share that with the board at the next meeting.

    Daniel Quipp – thanks Jessica and Tim.

    Ian Goodnow – thank you both. Congrats Peter.

    Liz – take next year off, Peter.

    Public –

    Kurt Daims – I’d like to bring your attention to the picture behind me. It shows the results of the research of Cory Bradshaw – global climate chart showing total animal biomass 10k years ago, and what it looks like now. I believed that livestock gasses were a great contributor to climate, but this chart makes it believable. The weight of humans is greater than all the animals 10k years ago, and all the cows is many times more than all the animals 120k years ago. You think you are shocked or dismayed, but it is true. That’s on my mind because of the legislation of the climate crisis committee at the school board. Maybe the selectboard should endorse it – a plant based diet for schools, climate education for faculty and students – once a month they’d focus on climate for a day. Families need to have time – we propose that Thanksgiving and Christmas be renamed as climate vacations, to think about climate. We call this sharing not shopping. Isn’t that what Christmas and thanksgiving should be about. It saves time, reduces shopping, helps the climate, and gives time to get important about the most important thing in the world with the most important people in the world. The selectboard should help this kid of thing and prove people a way to talk about it.

    Liz – thanks very much.

  • Consent Agenda

    Liz – Four things:

    A. FY23 Budget – Proposed Schedule of Meetings
    B. Field to Fork Grant – Accept and Appropriate
    C. Winter Sand Purchase – Bid Award
    D. Executive Recruiter for Town Manager Search – Authorization of Additional $1,000 Fee

    So consented.

  • 2021 Third Class Liquor License Renewals – Six-Month Licensees

    Elwell – in April of each year or March, the selectboard reviews a much longer list of renewals for liquor licenses and permits, and those are annual licenses and you review them as a group on a year, call out some for violations, then approve them. There is also a quirk in the state statute related to third class licenses. They can be six months rather than annually. Most do them annually, but three do them in 6 months at a time – Echo, Flamingo Diner, and New England House. They are up for the midyear renewal, and all had no violations. All up to date. In compliance.

    Ian – these three are aware they could be doing them annually and choosing to do 6 moths?

    Elwell – yes, that’s my understanding.

    Elwell checks with Town Clerk to see if they need to do anything special about the entertainment license.

  • Water Treatment Facilities Replacement Project – Finalized Financing Terms

    Patrick Moreland – RTM authorized 12.5 million up to 5% for the water treatment plant. The state wanted to provide some subsidies, over two years. In June the board did the first loan for $5.93 million, and we expected a grant of $4.1 million. We now have the next year borrowing loan. It incorporates the last lion, and adds an additional $1 million grant. For $12.5 million, the ratepayers will repay $7.3 million, and that entire sum will be loaned at zero percent interests. That’s the news and the board is asked to approve the new loan agreement.

    Daniel – good news. Love that free money. When we talked last, we talked about impact on utility rates. Remind me how we set rates?

    Patrick – we typically do them in 5 year increments, but we bring the rates back every year for a second look to make sure they are correct. We were planning on a more expensive project, so the board will want to look at it and reconsider the rate structure.

    Tim – yes, and we won’t have Peter to talk us out of it.

    Liz – we’ve been asked to approve the loan agreement, and I’ve been asked to sign it.


  • COVID-19 Matters - Continued Consideration of Format for Hybrid Meetings

    Elwell – yes, hi. I just got back. I had you on mute so I could talk to the Town Clerk – your vote was all you needed to do, it’s ok. So, the men says there is no material change. I checked again – positive changes. Windham County is still a high rate of transmission. Rate of new positive cases is slightly reduced. 7 day avg is slightly reduced. Percentage of people vaccinated is to 66.2% In my onion it doesn’t really change where we are. Indicators going in the right direction, but new cases occurring… we can check in two weeks from now. Continue to meet this way?

    Liz – I’m content with the status quo for the next month.

    Tim – I agree with Peter and am heartened by the data. We are behind the curve nationally because the two month surges happen all over the world, tand other states had theirs a little earlier. How about the 1st meeting in November, our first budget meeting, I’d love to be in person for our budget meeting. Let’s make that our target – a hybrid meeting. We can derail the train in a couple of weeks if we see this isn’t a good trend. We did just meet for a good portion of the day. Let’s make Nov 2 our goal.

    Daniel – I was going to propose something similar. I’d hope we see a decline by then, and in two weeks we can do something different. Good proposal.

    Liz – we are kicking it down two weeks…

    Elwell – the way to do it to stay properly warned would be to put a consent agenda item on for the next agenda to hold the next meeting after that in person.

    Jessica – public can participate online and in person?

    Elwell – yes – we’re in the room, public can be there. Everyone is masked and we have fewer seats, but yes, the public can participate in person and on zoom.

    Ian – for the meetings in August – we had hybrid participation. Thanks for the plan, Tim. Checking in and watching the numbers makes a lot of sense. I appreciate your desire to be unperson for the budget.

    Daniel – just thinking – were members to show up, and there were more than available , we have no recourse to send people away, no capacity thing.

    Liz – what happens when…

    Elwell – we have a legal obligation to close down the meeting and re-warn it for a bigger space. It happened about 7 years ago. The board closed the meeting and agreed to have it soon after, at BUHS I think.

    Tim – Just going to mention that Hannah Cosman is a viable room. It has a speaker in there. Not a heavy lift for BCTV. We have the added advantage that budget season is when most people run from the municipal center. There won’t be much of a draw.

    Daniel – we’ve been cautious with the way we do our seating. Not as bad as a restaurant. Where we limit seating in the room, we could be holding a budget meeting and 20 arrive..I’d like to think we’d hold that meeting. the masking requirement is great. And vaccinations… they should decide if they want to stand close together rather than just shut down the meeting.

    Ian – it may be under the discretion of Peter and the Municipal Center. He decides. Not a decision of the board.

    Liz – I’d like to point out that if someone gos to a restaurant, they make that choice. But some are required to be at the Selectboard meetings. Extra precautions might be necessary.

    Ian – we may not have any control over it.

    Daniel – if we get 20 people in the meeting room, I’d like us to not shut that meeting down, if they are wearing masks and complying…

    Liz – let Peter respond.

    Elwell – I’d like some time to think about not just set the room up the way we do, and maximize the number of people who can attend. I’ll write it up for two weeks from now.

    Jessica – does it need to be in that particular room? If we want to be in person and plenty can be there, maybe that’s another option.

    Elwell – we can look at other options. For selectboard meetings, BCTV is able to do a live broadcast… there are places around town. Maybe we meet in a larger space for budget season.

  • Stop Signs on Guilford Street + South Street – Second Reading, Public Hearing, and Adoption of Ordinance

    Elwell – this is a second reading and public hearing. VT wants towns to pass ordinance for each traffic regulation, so tonight you are looking at the placement of a stop sign. We ask you to adopt this so these can be official stop signs. They are at Guilford Street near Living Memorial Park, and then on South Street near West Brattleboro fire station, there used to be a yield sign. There have been more pedestrians. Both matters, all three signs, have been reviewed by the Traffic Safety Committee . Have the public hearing, then discuss and vote on it.

    Liz – I nearby open the public hearing.

    Tim – I’d like to talk about Dylan’s Rule for a while…

    Gary Stroud – my computer is a little slow this evening.

    Liz – are you on the Traffic Safety Committee?

    Gary – I could be if you want. How about a sign by Canal near schools? People blow the stop sign near the school. It’s a very busy street. Canal and Elm.

    Liz – we’ll take that comment, but this is about these specific stop signs.

    Elwell – hat point is about enforcing existing stop signs. Tonight is about these signs becoming official.

    Gary – safety first – make it official!

    Daniel – very little light pollution from the two stop signs. The have been thoroughly vetted.

    Ian – I want to thank the Traffic Safety Committee – we just had a pedestrian that got hit. We need to constantly evaluate the safety of our streets.


    (never closed their public hearing…)

    Liz – I close the public hearing…

  • Community Marketing Initiative – Update - Blue Whale Public Relations

    Liz – Stephanie and Greg are here to discuss this, and conrats to Greg for his appointment as Executive Director.

    Stephanie – and Rosealie is coming on, too. Before we move to her, a reminder that we’re here to present the community marketing initiative. It’s 10% of the 1% rooms and meals tax, to ensure we cultivate people coming to the community and enjoying the town for day trips or doing weekends. The BIPOC community this year.

    Rosalie – Lauren will join us. She was going to do the screen share, but I’ll try. Is it there?

    Liz – while we are waiting – congratulations about last Gallery Walk. Lots of people. It wa great.

    Rosalie- not sure why the screen share isn’t working…

    Greg Lesch – Brattleboro has never chose to market itself. It relied on others. We’re happy to be partnering with the town to have a meaningful impact on the economy. Our message is getting out there to platforms and outlets we never had accessed to in the past. This forms many partnerships – with businesses and individuals. It will grow. It’s catching on. Serentity at NECCA – what an amazing itinerary. Another from the Latchis – the community marketing initiative has gotten bang for the buck, bringing travel writers to town…. So, this has people who have stepped up to the plate to act as curators to what makes Brattleboro unique and a personal interaction makes an experience that much more memorable. We look forward to advancing this. Cumulative and ongoing efforts are best.

    Rosalie – Loren is joining and she has the screen share…. can you see my screen, I have it on screen share. No? Don’t know why I’m having trouble.

    Rosalie – Loren is in the waiting room.

    Long pause.

    Greg – there she is….

    Rosalie – and I sent a link…

    Long pause.

    Rosalie – thanks for your patience.

    Long pause.

    Patrick starts sharing the screen…

    Rosalie – I can go through some of the highlights – 2021 tourism highlights. We started in mid-April and Loren asked to be unmuted. So we started April 1st and hot the ground running. The directive came from Stephanie. We have really exceeded even my own expectations out of the gate. Altogether – we reached 71+ million (not including social media) at a cost per thousand $1.63. National, online, magazines, influencers, blogs, BIPOC specific individuals. It’s very high for a six month start up. We were very aggressive. The cost per thousand is the industry standard way of measuring money spent on a program vs people reached. What does it cost to reach 1000 people? We are at $1.63, which is very low. The average for cumulative paid advertising is $2.80. That’s out of the total budget, even though we have many months left in the budget year, so it will go down for us.

    – the next slide shows a snapshot of the coverage – in stories, features, theme pieces, briefs… it’s a snapshot and range. Blogs to national, to travel specific sites. One thing we look at – we look carefully at the writers and influencers we pitch to. We’re consistent in our messaging – things like – multicultural and BIPOC friendly, undiscovered gems – messages we convey in our pitches and into their coverage. Now, Lauren..

    Lauren – can you hear me? OK. Media relations and targeted pitching. We look at all the ways we can tell the story of Brattleboro – journalists we have worked with for years, who come to us looking for stories – romantic inns in VT, etc. History, heritage travel, romance, weekend escapes, outdoors, vacation relocation, culinary, arts, hyper-local makers. These are a few of the areas for story angles for Brattleboro.

    Rosalie – a second spoke on the wheel is visiting journalists and influencers. We bring them to experience it first hand, so they really cover the destination with a lot of depth. They can collect content for a variety of publications. Starting in April, we’ve hosted 9 journalists, about 2 per month. Hard to schedule with COVID, but a comfortable pace that doesn’t overburden resources. We’ll stick to two per month. But we may pause in winter when the place doesn’t show well. We really try to give exposure to as many entities and events as we can. It’s been really effective. They featured 70+ local partners…businesses and events. It has been really effective, and we see it in the coverage. We made inroads to Visit Vermont, to expand our reach. Not just limited to folks willing to drive. They partner with us to bring national media in from out of the area. They help cover airfare and car rentals. We tried to get a diverse mix in different channels to make a big impact.

    Lauren – in July we planned a virtual food writers event. These are good for journalists during COVID. Able to reach people we usually don’t. The strategy was to identify and experiential curated box of food and drink and shipped them to journalists to the 10-11 who RSVP’d. It introduces the destination to the writers, broadcast and other media outlets. This is an introduction. It led to one visiting us. Kinda nice.

    Rosalie – we plan to continue to cultivate these relationships. It keeps the door open for future editorial opportunities.

    Rosalie – a snapshot of social media growth. It shows gains on FB and IG pages. I expect to see these – these are high increases here. The activity went from very little or dormant to very active when we took it over. We would expect to see these percentages – 30% increase in followers in IG is a lot of gain and most growth has come from organic content in the press, it allows us to do more sharing. It’s on track with our goal. FB has grown at 11%. They are a platform that you kinda need to be there but it isn’t where the engagement is happening anymore. We cover a number of topics, share coverage, promote events, talk culinary, support partners… we try to take the same approach with he media visits.

    Lauren – our reach can only be as good as what we provide. IG wants videos now, so we can keep that in mind as we grow this page. Video assets are very helpful with growth.

    Rosalie – the last slide gives you a quick look at what’s coming up for the balance of the year.

    Lauren – we’re working to identify the winter and holiday travel, and February events like Valentine’s Day, other seasonal events. We also know we have anticipated coverage in the works. USAToday, VinePair, Forbes, Orbitz.

    Rosalie – these are new pitches we’re putting forth, but we’ll continue the other story lines. heritage and history are a string pitch for us. We have 5-6 BIPOC travelers I’ll do a pitch refresh to about a mile marker dedication. There are writers that I’ve been cultivating and I can serve that up as a highly targeted pitch to them. We’ve amassed this pitching toolbox – go to story lines to take to specific writers. These are proactive pitches based on times of year and certain themes. We have more press and influencers – the Grubfather, Refinery29,, The Epoch Times, Linda Laban…. she wants to do a feature about the destination. Online we are going to refresh the website with fresh content and new images, a press room with articles, and will be more engaging.

    Stephanie Bonin – we want to thank the advisory team. The four of us worked together and had fun, but the advisory team and the Visit Vermont partnership – we leveraged the dollars with the state of VT. This is an example for around the state. So, thank you. Glad this goes agin to town meeting.

    Liz – we met Heather at the opening of Amtrak. Board? We’ll thank you and discuss this at RTM. It’s 6 minutes to 8 so let’s take a break til 10:10 then finish up.

  • Union Station – Proposed Transfer of Ownership to Brattleboro Museum and Art Center

    Liz – we are back.

    Elwell – may I please… heh he.. work m way through being very flustered. The board is well aware that behind the scenes, staff has been getting a warning together for a special meeting tomorrow, and we’ll give less that 24 hours. I made a mistake, and I need to make a quick fix so Jessica Sticklor can send it out.

    Daniel _ Eating a kimchi stew. I heated it too long in the microwave.

    Liz – I was eating green beans from the yard.

    ian – I looked for candy in office bowls.

    Jessica – I had beans and rice. Butter beans in the assortment.

    Elwell – Thanks, Jessica will get the meeting warned. Happy to present the initial public consideration of potential transfer of ownership to the BMAC the building. My perspective on this is that the best interest of the community and taxpayers are clear in the matter, but also mindful that this is an important historic property int he town. It’s not to be decided lightly. Three phases. Tonight a first discussion and receive some public input. Danny Lichtenfield is here. Then, we’ll ask that you approve a purchase and sale agreement at your next meeting, and that action is subject to approval at RTM, either a special meeting or March 19th next year. So, we are mindful of the importance to the community, and taking it in these steps.

    – in a nutshell, the portal is to transfer ownership, not for a price, but in an as-in condition. Currently we handle capital maintenance at the building. The large retaining wall near the sidewalk on Bridge St is a factor. The reason to do the transfer this way, rather than a sale, is because of the current relationship, and how it has evolved. In 1972, the town purchase the building for $27.5k, to create the museum. Created with limited means and a lot of community spirit. It was a vision, in a neglected building. The Town has had other landmark structures demolished, so the community rallied. Since 1972, the town has been the owner and the museum has been he occupant – they have a lease of $1 a year for 21 years remaining til 2042. That is critically important to the structure of the deal. We had an appraisal done, and it indicated that because of the length of time remaining at these rates, there is no market value – $3k. Maybe someone would pay for it to fix the roof and new owner would have to fix it up with no sort of income until 2042. So, should we pursue this opportunity rather than paying for 21 more years of maintenance. I believe and board agrees that because of the importance of the museum in the community, and seeing the stability and significant wherewithal in the arts community – they can take this on and be good stewards. Our community rallied around this use and this building 49 years ago for the purpose of saving the building and for the creation of the museum. The building has been saved and the institution has become something important and can stand on its own two feet. There is $70-100k of repairs for the roof in the next 5 years, that taxpayers pay for unless we transfer ownership. There is a longer term issue with the retaining wall. We checked old records to see if it goes with the property – the records are unclear. One reason for selling ti for a dollar would be appropriate is because the museum will take responsibility for the wall and the building. So the town is free of obligations. It’s of more importance to the building than to the general public after the bridge to Hinsdale is bridge. Our Bridge street will be a local access only, then, and the wall just holds up the site more than protects the roadway. Based on all of this, and the museum is already investing and renovations to the interior, and remaining 21 years in the lease. Best interest of the town taxpayer that the BMAC become the owner of the building. One other detail – while site control and ownership would transfer to the arts center, any future projects at the site would be subject to normal zoning review – it is in the downtown area, and the design review community can review changes to the facade, and other regs may come into play. Town will have regulatory authority. Terms ate that the purchase price be one dollar, property as is, the retaining wall is their responsibility, RTM will approve, agreement is also subject to Amtrak vacating by June 2024. Amtrak’s schedule expects that by the end of 2023 they’ll be out. There is some closing info relating to RTM or Amtrak and triggering certain conditions. The Town will retain regulatory authority and water and sewer infrastructure, and between now and closing, the agreement can only be assigned to BMAC or their assignee with Town’s approval.

    Tim – a point of clarification. Bridge Street will still have traffic but it will be greatly reduced with the new configuration.

    Elwell – There will still be river access and the train station and other’s. It will be more pedestrian friendly at some point.

    Jessica – I think this is a lovely idea, and happy to see it move to the hands of the museum. My grandfather worked at the counter there. Exciting it is still part of our town, and congrats to Danny for his leadership of the museum. It’s a great economic driver for the downtown and a cultural resource. One example was an early 90’s Japanese structure. My grandmother was Japanese and owned a business downtown and exciting to see something from her culture shared with the community.

    Ian – one question – the retaining wall. Is there some sort of mechanism to clarify the ownership for the retaining wall?

    Elwell – I’ll confirm this with Bob Fisher, but he should take care of that with he preparation of the deed. That will be recorded. It will be made very clear. Also, this has been approved by the board of trustees at the museum, so it is up to the selectboard and RTM.

    David Levenbach – I’m guessing that the station would be a gallery space once the museum builds its new facility. Is there provision giving the town to repurchase the building in the event the museum were to market it down the road.

    Danny Lichtenfeld – nice to see you all. Thanks to all of you for working on this, and Peter, who has been working on this for many years. As we make plans for the Union Station facility and expansion dreams across the street. There is no current thinking whether we expand or not across the way, there are many hurdles, all hopes and dreams are for the museum space as is. That could change in 20 years, maybe with future leaders. That is something that could happen but not something we envision. Your additional provision – I’m not sure if the current board would still want to go ahead with the transfer with that future restriction in place, so we’d have to discuss it. Right now, everyone involved imagines nothing for the future of the museum other than to use the property for museum purposes. We’re not thinking of getting rid of it if we expand.

    Jessica – as far as preservation of the building, do we have any rules around that parcel?

    Elwell – there is aesthetic protection by the Design Review Committee – we don’t have a historic landmark in town, but hw town has been looking into it.. a certified local government… a federal process to become certified to protect landmark structures. We’ve looked into becoming a CLG. A future board will deal with it, not for this property alone but for the town as a whole. Until then, the Design Review Committee can review changes to the appearance of the building.

    Jessica – yes. does the historic district cover this spot? Would it help in funding?

    Elwell – yes, it is in the district that is subject to design review, it also means it is eligible for potential historic tax credit for work at the site. There are criteria for those sorts of grants involving more than just location and regulatory status of the building. As of the repurpose, we thought about that a lot over the years. There have been times when we looked at whether we would have a provision to purchase like that, but based on the totality, the Town purchased this for a purpose and it has been accomplished, and the community has received the value of the investment. We give about $7k a year, and some limited maintenance projects. Now it will need more. That motivates us to see it as an opportunity if the museum wishes to proceed, and they do. The protection of rights to recover the property would be more appropriate if they owed something more to the town than they currently do. if we were doing a favor to them, a return favor might be welcome, but both parties are benefiting – town being freed from the site and museum gets more control. if the community wishes to get it back in the future, it would be a new issue at that time.

    Jessica – so, for the last however many years the town has felt that the museum was worth the investment and now we’re offloading a property on them that will cost them money. I’m interested in where that $7k a year might go now, to support cultural growth.

    Elwell – good idea for upcoming budget meetings, but it could be redirected to culture or another purpose. This disengagement for the town and recognizing them as well established – the reason to continue the money was for maintenance at the property. We won’t include it in the future budgets…we should still keep the $7k in for the entirely of FY23… but in future years we can take it out.

    Tim – this is one of the really nice moments. Having been on the board for a while comes in handy. Over 3 years we’ve had periodic executive session discussions – I had concerns about the facade, and to not leave money on the table for taxpayers… but the assessment came in with the real value. My thinking shifted to the value of going forward with a new steward with a trusted partner in the community. Move forward together. I’m excited about it. It’s a good thing for Brattleboro.

    Liz – thanks for that perspective. Goof we have a broad view, and longtime watchers of selectboard meetings know we collaborate with everyone about everything. It’s the best way to be vital.

    Daniel – I’m in favor of this and it is mutually beneficial – this is a good reminder of how we are all involved in what happens in Brattleboro. This relationship has done well over the past decades, and now it is better to sever that relationship and let the museum do its thing. I don’t think they will pull some detrimental thing to the town. It brings people from all over the world. It’s not walmart. My inlaws were involved in the early days of the museum, and my wife works there.

    Ian – It’s a common sense thing to pass this on to a trusted partner and new steward of the property. Just being here two years, it is an opportunity to see the town act to respect the history. Thanks Peter for laying that history out. We really have gotten out what we wanted to get in 1972. It’s the right thing to do. I’ll continue to see great art there.

    Liz – we’ll talk more at the next meeting.

  • Final bits

    Financial Report – FY21 End of Year Final Report (Unaudited) In a memorandum dated September 30, 2021, Town Manager Elwell reports that
    the Town’s General Fund ended FY21 with a $671,625 surplus. This added $448,625 to the General Fund Balance instead of drawing down that fund balance by $223,000
    as had been approved in the FY21 Budget. Elwell’s memorandum summarizes the major reasons for the surplus and additional budget impacts caused by COVID-19.
    He will present this information at the October 5 meeting, followed by discussion
    among the Selectboard, public, and staff.
    D. Committee Appointments
    The Board is asked to re-appoint Nicholas biddle, Tim Kipp, and Lee Madden to be Fence Viewers.

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