Skatepark Site Selection Committee Minutes Draft – March 13, 2014

Meeting called to order: at 5:20 PM

Members present: Joe Bushey, Marty Fitzgerald, Betsy Gentile, Elizabeth McLouglin, Jacob Roberts, Andrea Watkins. Others present: Jeff Clark, Francine Vallario, Howard Weiss-­‐Tisman, Linda Whelihan, Patty Fitzgerald


  • Public Participation

    Jeff Clark, the chair of BASIC informed the SSSC members that there might be vacancies coming up on their committee. He thought some members from SSSC might be interested in seeing the skate park project through to completion (possibly a new design, fund raising and building) and would be welcome to serve on BASIC as members or consultants. Chair, Betsy Gentile, replied that it would be a very good idea and a logical step for members to consider when their work on the site selection committee was completed.

  • Approval of Minutes
    Motion: Approve minutes from February 20, 2014 meeting
    Vote: Motion carried
    Minutes from the meeting on February 20, 2014 approved without modification

  • Public Input Via E-­‐mail

    E-­‐mails on site selection criteria from Les Montgomery were passed out and will be addressed during the upcoming discussion to determine criteria values. Another e-­‐mail was received suggesting a website that provides views of hundreds of existing skateparks in various States.

  • Report on phone calls of potential sites

    Committee members Andrea, Betsy, Jake and Joe shared what they had learned from contacting certain owners of the 28 sites that had remained on the site list at the end of the last meeting. At that point 8 sites were removed and 2 new ones added. The edited list was then reviewed on the basis of incurring costs and some sites were taken out. At the end of this process, the final list contained: 8 privately owned properties, 4 owned by the school and 6 owned by the town for a total of 18 sites.

  • Begin to put a value on criteria

    It was decided to place this on the agenda for the next meeting.

  • Progress report Select Board

    It was suggested that all committee members attend the Select Board Meeting on April 1, 2014 to update the Board on SSSC progress. Betsy, the Chair, and Elizabeth, Vice-­‐Chair, will address the board along with Carol Lolatte. Elizabeth suggested preparing a letter to the board with questions SSSC might have for them and send it prior to the meeting. All agreed to the idea. The group reviewed their mission of ranking all final sites and presenting their findings to the Park and Recreation Board.

  • Set Next Meetings:

    March 27 at 5:15 PM and April 3 at 5:15 PM at the Gibson Aiken Center

  • 8. Other Business: None
  • Meeting Adjourned: at 6:45 PM

    Submitted by: Patty Fitzgerald

    Comments | 1

    • Skatepark for Seniors

      By the time the Brattleboro Skate Park is located, financed, built and operational, the kids who might have used it will all be senior citizens. Maybe their grandkids will be able to skate there—if skateboarding isn’t a thing of the past.

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