Skatepark Site Selection Committee – Draft Minutes Jan 20, 2014

Skatepark Site Selection Committee Minutes Draft

Thursday February 20, 2014 Meeting called to order: at 5:16 PM by Betsy Gentile
Members present: Joe Bushey, Marty Fitzgerald, Betsy Gentile, Elizabeth McLoughlin, Jacob Roberts, Andre Watkins. Others present: Carol Lolatte, Rod Francis, Jeff Clark, Les Montgomery, Howard Weiss-­Tisman, Francine Vallario, Patty Fitzgerald.


1. Public Participation

2. Approval of Minutes
Motion: Approve minutes from January 30, 2014 meeting
Vote: Motion carried
Resolved: Minutes from the meeting on January 30, 2014 approved with correction

3. Public Input Via E-­‐mail

Members felt the concept was working well. Carol Lolatte provides hard copies of the e-­‐mails for committee members who have difficulty opening some of the messages. The attorney for the town advised the e-­‐mail suggestions from the public may be posted on the SSSC site with the provision the “to” and “from” and signature are omitted from each.

4. Review list of potential sites-­‐additions

Two more sites were added from suggestions received via e-­‐mails from the public. Dan Sontag, unable to be present, sent an e-­‐mail proposing that privately owned properties be eliminated from the site list due to cost considerations. After a discussion by board members it was decided to leave them on at this point in the process. Rod Francis, Brattleboro’s Planning Director, assisted in the lengthy task of going over the 42 sites deciding which if any could be eliminated for not being able to meet even the most basic criteria. Rod was able to show site locations using “Maps OnLine” and provided pertinent information on some of the land parcels. This helped the committee to pare the list down to 28 locations. Four board members volunteered to make phone calls to the private landowners on the site list to see if their properties might be available for the skatepark project.

5. Develop broad criteria to begin site elimination with documentation

With time running out, this topic was postponed to the next meeting. Betsy Gentile proposed the next meeting be devoted to weighting the siting criteria. The eventual goal will be the narrow down the number of potential sites to approximately 10 before site visits begin.

6. Set Next Meeting:
March 13 at 5:15 PM at the Gibson Aiken Center

7. Other Business:

Meeting Adjourned: at 6:44 PM

Submitted by: Patty Fitzgerald

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