Noise In the Library?!?! Brooks Memorial Library Renovations

The Brooks Memorial Library is beginning renovations made possible by the recent bequest of Ronald Read. Mr. Read left BML over 1.2 million dollars in 2015. The Board of Trustees has invested the bulk of the funds in an endowment to provide support for the library for generations to come. The balance is being used to offset the staffing costs of restored hours and to make improvements to the building which will be 50 years old next year. The BML Buildings and Grounds Committee sought extensive input from the public and staff during the planning process. Among the improvements will be added spaces for meetings and quiet study a room for teens and a restroom on the ground floor.

Work will begin on September 6th. “We will make every effort to keep the library open and disruption to a minimum during the construction” said library director Starr LaTronica. “However, there may be times when some parts of the building will be temporarily out of commission, such as our large public meeting room, which will be unavailable during the month of September.” She encourages the public to come by and check out the progress as they check out their materials and looks forward to the new and improved spaces as “We begin building an even better Brooks Memorial Library”.

For Immediate Release

September 2, 2016
Brattleboro, VT

Contact person
Starr LaTronica

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