Dave Zuckerman: No Fortunate Son

Fellow Working Vermonters,

I am a former District Vice President and Member-At-Large of the Vermont AFL-CIO (UAW Local 1981). As such, I know there is only one candidate for Lieutenant Governor who has the backs of working class Vermonters; State Senator David Zuckerman. Dave has walked picket lines with me. He, like Bernie Sanders, has fought like hell (against the Democratic & Republican establishment) for livable wages, healthcare for all, and for the rights of union & non-union workers.

Dave is not a lawyer or the son of a banker (like Shap Smith). Dave is a farmer; salt of the earth. He is on our side. This primary day I implore all working Vermonters to vote for one of their own; I ask that you join me and my family in voting for a true ally of the 99%; David Zuckerman for Lt Governor.

–David Van Deusen

Comments | 4

  • there's no "like" button, like on some social media

    there’s no “like” button, like on some social media.
    I’ll vote for Dave Zuckerman, although that was pretty sneaky, him going to Colorado to “study” that marijuana situation, and we didn’t get any back here at home.

  • opinion

    I wholeheartedly agree. I’ve known David personally for some years and remain clearly and fully aware that the betterment of the human condition is consciously at the heart of every decision he makes. David is an avid proponent of health care for every Vermonter. Health care that it is at least as good as Medicare if not as good as our police and teachers and the members of the Brattleboro Selectboard. He fights for a livable wage and equal benefits for all workers including paid sick days, workers compensation and unemployment insurance. He drove the fight for GMO labelling and is behind every environmental issue of importance. From every political point of view that places human rights and welfare and the health and sustainability of our planet as the litmus test for the passage of legislation David has been at the forefront. He is conscientiously disdainful of corporate support and influence and supportive of everything that enhances the principles of democracy which includes campaign financing that provides every candidate a fair and competitive chance.

  • Good News!

    Glad to hear Dave Zuckerman is willing to serve as Lt Governor. Let’s get him elected!

  • Good guy

    When you look up the word “mensch” in a dictionary, you see a picture of Dave.

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