Comments | 6

  • I.E. Response from David Cadran

    Thank you for this question, it’s one of the more intriguing ones I have received. As humans it is often difficult for us to separate our feelings in the course of work because we are emotionally invested in the outcome which will ultimately reflects on our character. The dilemma increases when one is charged with a governmental duty which requires impartial administration for the general benefit of all. Yes, this skill is essential to have. The other side of the coin on this, though, is to not lose sight of our passion and ambition. Being able to fully remove ones emotions from a job could be described as nothing other than Orwellian. It is important to know and respect ethical limitations while at the same time never abandoning the passion or ambition you may have. It is imperative that we remember that no task is completed outside the scope of human emotion.

    Thank you

    David Cadran

  • Selectboard Forum Questions left on the table

    Here’s a link to the questions that Citizens’ Breakfast participants submitted. We barely scratched the surface of them, so, as a participant requested, I emailed them to media folks, and give them here so readers can see what types of questions folks are asking:


  • Emotional Intelligence response from Dave Schoales

    Funny you should ask. The possibility of being part of a new selectboard that is able to weigh issues objectively; able to listen, learn, and collaborate toward creating a sustainable community and economy, is why I decided to run for the board at this time.
    I have been an active member of organizations and boards for decades, and am well aware of how anger and frustration can cloud my thinking and lead to words I later regret. I tend to be over-optimistic, which can also affect judgement. What is most important is that I have learned to recognize and accommodate these responses, and have grown to become an effective board member and leader.
    Long before you posted your question, I had decided that, if elected, I would ask that the first conversation of the new selectboard be about how we want the meetings to run and what concrete steps we can take to purposefully build our ability to function at a high level together. I believe recent board dynamics show Roberts Rules and the Selectboard Rules of Conduct are inadequate. How we relate needs to be on the agenda.

  • Indeed it could certainly be

    Indeed it could certainly be disheatening listening to the tenor and quality of discussion on the Selectboard. I will add my voice to the chorus for making a very deliberate and concerted effort to create an entirely different climate on there. Quality chairing that is focussed on achieving good decisions through consensus rather than a win-lose strategy would be tremendously uplifting. A chair that speaks last instead of first. It is well worth a considerable effort (time) for the Board to discuss the dynamics of groups. Learning how to listen, being willing to explain oneself, exercising patience and recognizing that we are all less than perfect. Maybe even accepting that we aren’t fully trained and skilled and bringing in a professional to help us learn good group process.
    About forty years ago I walked into an organization that used consensus decision-making. It led to a major shift in my understanding of co-operation and democracy. I knew that those concepts were viable. I also learned that people had to want to make co-operation and democracy work. That desire also required actual effort. Merely to say that one thinks there ought to be peace and love and respect and empathy is just grandstanding.
    How much time will the next Selectboard be willing to make for these objectives? I’ll make all the time it takes.

  • Intriguing . . .

    Intriguing that only three candidates have responded to this question.

    • I think it's really important

      I think it’s really important to keep in mind that iBrattleboro is not a universal tool and, in fact, some avoid it like the worst possible plague imaginable.

      Candidates’ failure to respond to a query on here should not be overly interpreted…

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