What Is Wrong With So Many People?


According to a current CNN news story:

“. . . a public consensus has emerged that former President Donald Trump acted at least unethically in trying to hold on to his office after the 2020 election (79% feel he acted either unethically or illegally, including 45% who believe his actions were illegal), that he encouraged political violence in his public statements ahead of January 6 (61%) and that he could have done more to stop the attack once it had begun (77%).

“All told, the poll finds that 69% of Americans consider the January 6 attack to be a crisis or major problem for American democracy.”
What!!! Sixty-one percent say that Trump encouraged political violence, and 77% think he failed to try to stop the attack; 69% of Americans consider the January 6 attack to be a crisis or major problem for American democracy; yet only 45% think that his actions were criminal.

Huh??? Nearly a third of Americans think Trump encouraged violence or did not act to stop the attack, yet 32% do not think that is criminal. What do they think: That encouraging violence is legitimate political activity?

Comments | 2

  • No Critical Thinking

    Our education system has been attacked and defunded for so long it was inevitable that people would stop thinking. It’s a Barnum & Bailey world, and scammers rule the day.

  • 32%

    Violence as a political activity is taking hold with a number of people.

    “It’s ok to engage in violence to protect America’s democracy…” 22% Biden voters agree; 32% Trump voters agree in NPR/IPSOS poll Jan 3, 2022

    I did a search of “32% of Americans…” to see what else turns up.

    32% of Americans:

    – are keeping a financial secret from their partner
    – file their taxes at the last minute
    – can correctly name the three branches of government
    – have a will
    – have had drug problems in their family
    – missed July housing payments in 2020
    – have medical debt
    – support increasing the number of Supreme Court members
    – are saving for retirement
    – don’t want to change Daylight Savings Time switching
    – listen to podcasts at least once a month
    – say they own a firearm
    – recycle
    – don’t ever remember buying luggage
    – have never tried sushi
    – say they never floss their teeth
    – of investors look at their stocks daily
    – are still not famous (the Onion….)

    34% of Americans CAN find Ukraine on a map. : )

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