Why So Many Traffic Fatalities In Vermont?

Lately I’ve noticed that there has been a lot of vehicle fatalities in the State of Vermont.  It doesn’t matter if it’s 91, 89, 7 or just a country road. It seems everyday there is a report (WCAX) of a fatality or an accident resulting with serious injuries.  Is it due to drugs and alcohol?  Or do we have crazy and distracted drivers? My heart goes out to the innocent victims and their families.  Perhaps we need more police officers to patrol the highways but I know funding is tight.  So if you plan on leaf peeping in a few weeks…be alert and defensive on the roads.  You just never know who you are sharing the road with.

Hearing at Retreat Farm Yesterday?

I was just looking up schedule at Retreat Farm and saw notice there was a hearing there yesterday. When you look at the map on the website it shows at least one new building up in the forest, and I know the plans there when I left were to turn the main barn into an upscale shopping area and cafe, and to add a lodge, and LOTS more parking right along our beautiful road across from the Retreat Meadows. There are some great things happening there but I’m afraid some public oversight and interest is needed to make sure the character and history are better protected.

Monumental Questions

The events in (and following) Charlottesville are myriad and complex. There is a stew of issues bubbling and boiling. To name but a few: race, Neo-Nazism, history, culture, the Civil War, monuments, art, speech, accountability, Trump & Co., ancestors, and many more.


There is much to talk about. How come we’re not talking about this? The fact that nobody’s talking about it, doesn’t that make you go hmm?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–wogQ9-Cuc&t=14s