Brattleboro DRB July 17 Agenda

 2024-62                Stephanie Abrams; Residential Neighborhood 3600 District; request for Waiver of Dimensional Standards Approval to construct 10’ tall fence at 117 Pine Street; Tax Map Parcel #00325467.000

2024-71                David Timmons & Robin Bitters; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for Waiver of Dimensional Standards Approval to construct a 41′ x 42′ 2-story home, located in part in the front yard setback in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and in response to site conditions at 101 Chestnut Hill; Tax Map Parcel #00265205.000

Brattleboro Paving Schedule September 2020

September 9, 2020


Monday, September 14th, DMI Paving (a contractor of the town) will begin the paving portion of our annual capital paving project. Weather permitting, the following schedule is anticipated:

Monday, September 14

BPD Driveway – Shim and pave the driveway into the police department. 

Preston Parking Lot – Preparation and shim work. The parking lot will be closed to parking. Please seek alternate parking locations. 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Steve Barrett Night

selectboard march 5

The Brattleboro Selectboard met on Town Meeting Day 2019 and spent most of the time discussing issues of water and sewer.

This included a rather substantial presentation by an apartment owner requesting a reduction in an abnormally high water bill, some discussion of the Hinsdale Bridge, some notes on odors and energy, and a hint that water and sewer ates may hold steady for a year.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – March 5, 2019

Water & Sewer issues will be the bulk of the Brattleboro Selectboard’s next meeting. They’ll talk about rates, repairs, reservoirs, energy use, odors, and improvements.

They’ll also approve liquor licenses, announce committee vacancies, apply for a grant and more. You can add other items during Public Participation.