To The Community Safety Review Committee- An Apology From Me

Today I am writing to offer an apology to The Community Safety Review Committee, and all who have been involved in their work at any level.

I would like to do so by speaking about the first Municipal Diversity and Inclusion class I participated in early on in my time on the board. Within about the first five minutes of the class, we were told by the instructor, that we were about to learn that “being fair” doesn’t mean “treating the same” and that “equal” does not mean “equitable. The rest of the session discussed the importance of raising up voices who have less power within our systems and structures to level the playing field.

Unfortunately, we forgot that training when setting the date for the topic of Police Policies and Procedures. We missed an opportunity to change the game.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) is meeting on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 5:30pm, using Zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19).  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.

The Brattleboro Community Safety Review Committee is meeting on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 6:00pm, using Zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19).  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.