Thugs, Politicians and Guns

I can’t stop being outraged at the lack of action by politicians on the issue of gun control. It would be easy to become insensitive to the daily reports of mass shootings in this country but every time I hear about one I become more and more depressed because I know that nothing will change in my lifetime, if ever.

This lack of action makes it clear that the U.S. political system is controlled by amoral, unethical and inhumane people. It is fueled by self-interest and the only time that things get done is when politicians think they can get more votes or more financial support in the next election.

Gun control is not about guns or mental health. It is about a failed political system.

Gun Violence – The Other Epidemic

Imagine what the state of gun violence in this country would be like if we put as much effort into establishing sensible restrictions on the sale and ownership of guns as we have put into the COVID pandemic. Although that kind of effort will never happen on a national level it is possible that individual states could do more to make it harder to own a gun.

The debates have raged for years. Those who hide behind the second amendment are nothing more than a bunch of selfish crybabies who have always lived in a world where they think everything revolves round their needs and wishes. Whenever we hear their cries for their brand of freedom we need to counter with some facts about gun violence.

Governor Phil Scott’s Statement on Gun Legislation Signing

11 APRIL 2018 – Montpelier, Vt. –  Governor Phil Scott today signed bills S.221, H.422 and S.55, relating to violence reduction and gun safety. Below is a transcript of his address.

Governor Scott: On February 16, I was in my office preparing for the day ahead, when everything changed. That morning, I was handed a document containing charges against an 18-year-old, outlining his detailed plan to carry out a school shooting here in Vermont.

Just two days earlier, we had all witnessed the atrocity in Parkland Florida leaving 17 innocent people – Fourteen children and 3 teachers – dead.

As I read the 13-page affidavit, I was alarmed to learn just how close we came to the same tragic fate the people of Parkland faced.