Governing by Decree: Presidential Power in the Age of Trump

President Donald Trump

If it seems as though the US President is the boss of the whole world, it’s because in many ways, he is. Presidential powers for modern presidents are prodigious. With the power to impose sanctions and tariffs, control the government through executive orders, and order military action, a determined president can create a lot of geopolitical mayhem.

The most remarkable tool to that end is the economic sanction which is a form of punishment designed to destabilize countries America has strategic interest in by crippling their economies. Most sanctions bind American companies from doing business in the target nation. But recently, there has been a new form of sanction, called a secondary sanction, that aims to prevent any country or individual in the world from doing business with our declared enemy.


Remember “W”? Ten years ago he was the worst president we’ve ever had.
He started two wars he couldn’t win in Iraq and Afghanistan which destabilized the Middle East and left it in a state of civil wars. While he was doing that, he pursued economic policies that led to a worldwide financial implosion. He lied about “weapons of mass destruction” and the connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, etc., etc.