Selectboard Meeting Notes – I See Those Rates and Raise Them , Too

selectboard may 7 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard is contemplating just how much to raise Utility rates, specifically the cost of water. Rather than a 1% increase in FY25, they are thinking of raising it 5%, and 5% every year until 2030. But, it might go up even more because of the new expert study of utility rates they will commission for $75,000.

In good news, all the major roads of Brattleboro that the state has a hand in will be repaved in 2025-2026. And the Charter Commission is taking a deep dive into all sorts of issues related to Town Meeting and asking for your input.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – May 7, 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hear an update from the Charter Review Commission at their next regular meeting. They’ll also hear from BDCC, and the DPW, and the ATM about the UFB. (“Matt Busby. Dig it, dig it, dig it….”)

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Windham County Heat Fund Update

On behalf of some of Windham County’s more vulnerable residents the Windham County Heat Fund would like to thank our generous community for support of our efforts this year. The Windham County Heat Fund was created in 2005 by Richard Davis and Daryl Pillsbury to help people in Windham County Vermont who were not able to buy enough heating fuel to make it through the winter. In 2010 the Heat Fund was incorporated as an IRS 501 C 3 non-profit entity. At the time, oil prices were escalating and we thought our efforts would only be needed for a year or two.

Over the years, we have come to learn that there is a constant need to supplement state and federal fuel assistance programs for those who fall through the cracks and for those who run out of fuel assistance allotments.

Healthcare Jamboree in Brattleboro

On May 9 the Vermont Workers’ Center will host a Healthcare Jamboree. The event will take place from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at the Brattleboro Savings & Loan Community Room, 221 Main St., Brattleboro (rear entrance). People who have questions about healthcare or who are struggling with the healthcare system, costs or other barriers to care can get information about local resources and connect with others who are organizing for the human right to healthcare.

The Healthcare Navigator from SEVCA will be on hand to help with health insurance questions. There will also be representatives from the Inclusion Center, VT Psychiatric Survivors, the VT Department of Health, and other local groups sharing their resources.