The Yearly Medicare Blitz

It’s that time of year when seniors are assaulted with all kinds of media ads for Medicare Advantage enrollment.

It is also the open enrollment period for Medicare, from October 15-December 7, when Medicare enrollees can change plans. Choosing a plan is always complicated but, if you gather good information, you can make an informed decision.

Less than half of seniors are enrolled in traditional Medicare. This plan has predictable costs and when coupled with a Medicare Supplemental policy will provide 100% coverage for hospital and outpatient care. Medicare coverage is comprehensive and traditional Medicare allows you to go to any health care provider in the country who is a Medicare provider. Almost all providers accept Medicare.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – October 2024

Time for the October 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

Online Serious Illness Support Group Forming Now

Beginning in October 2024 Support for Those Going Through Life-Altering Illnesses

The Serious Illness Program was created to offer support, solace, and assistance to people going through a life-altering serious illness, one that may or may not have a terminal prognosis. The program offers one-on-one volunteer services, support groups with others who have a serious illness, as well as opportunities to learn more about what resources are available in the community.

Our Peer Support Groups are a place where folks can get together and openly share their experiences with others who truly understand. We offer a safe space to share personal experiences, feelings, coping strategies, and also allow for shared learning. Support groups are both online and in-person.

Unacceptable Health Care Reform?

When I first read the report “Act 167 Community Engagement: Recommendations”, I almost laughed because I had a pretty good idea of how hospitals would react. The passage of Act 167 was a recognition that Vermont’s health care system needs serious change if it is to survive and this report was commissioned to find out what to do. It focused on the state’s hospitals.

Many of the recommendations make sense, but what I find difficult to understand is how all of the affected hospitals could possibly make the changes called for in the report. They talk about regional centers of excellence where only certain hospitals would do specific procedures. There could be fewer hospitals doing joint replacements and those who continue would become more expert at the procedures.

There is also a call for hospitals to share staff. That makes sense from an intellectual perspective, but how many nurses are going to want to travel an extra hour or more to work each day just to fulfill the aims of systemic restructuring?

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – September 2024

Here’s the September 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

Perverse Incentives

In a recent article in vtdigger it was noted that Vermont health insurance rates are among the highest in the nation. Just another painful fact for people to digest who live in a state that is also among the highest for property taxes.

Subsidies do lower the cost of insurance for many Vermonters who pay, on average, $243 a month for an individual marketplace plan. The article describes many of the details about the costs of health care but the only important information comes at the end of the piece when Mike Fisher, Vermont’s health care advocate, states, “Many of us have been looking at this health care financing ‘not-system’ – the way we finance care- have been saying for a number of years that it’s unsustainable and that it can’t possibly continue. But it feels like we’re in a much more acute stage of that.”

New Program Supporting People with Serious Illness

Serious Illness Program

Support for Those Going Through Life-Altering Illnesses

Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with a serious illness, or coping with an exacerbation of an ongoing serious illness such as organ disease or cancer?

The time of a new diagnosis, or treatment for a recurrence or exacerbation of an ongoing illness often calls for added support. If you or your loved one are going through cancer treatment, or experiencing a healthcare crisis due to cancer or organ disease we can help.

Addiction As A Form of Suicide

I make no claim of being a therapist or an expert on human behavior. But when you have been around for nearly eight decades you do come to understand a few things. I have learned that people who are unhappy about the course of their lives, people, who feel they are trapped in their lives with no way out and people who feel that the world around them will not allow them to succeed, often turn to drugs and/or addictive behaviors to ease their pain.

This is not a judgment call but simply an observation. I suspect that if you were to do a survey among people who have turned to drugs or alcohol or who have any kind of addiction at the center of their life, you would find most of those people to be among the unhappy.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – August 2024

Here’s the August 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

Tinkering Around The Edges

The alarm is being sounded. Vermont’s health care system is in crisis and if we don’t take serious measures to change things the non-system we have will become financially unsustainable by 2030. According to a recent article in The Commons, “Dr. Bruce Hamory and his team were hired by the Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB) in response to the Vermont Legislature passing Act 167 for health care reform. The legislation is intended to create a sustainable, affordable, and equitable future for Vermont’s 14 hospitals and health care providers in general.”

Act 167 has a few good elements and I am sure that Hamory and his team have come up with a some good ideas to make the delivery and accessibility of health care in Vermont better. At one of a number of state-wide meetings held in Brattleboro on July 17 Hamory said that we have to stop tinkering around the edges and make changes to help health care in Vermont financially viable.

But everything I heard makes me believe that all of the ideas that have been presented recently continue to tinker around the edges, as have all of the efforts of health care reform since the failure to enact a single payer system in Vermont played out during the Shumlin administration.

Peer Support Groups for People with Serious Illnesses

Are you going through treatment? Feeling overwhelmed or scared? Talking with others may help.

The Serious Illness Program support groups provide a safe space for people to share personal experiences, feelings, coping strategies, and allow for shared learning.

Free, facilitated, peer support group for people who live in Windham County and neighboring NH towns who are experiencing a life-altering illness, with a focus on cancer, heart and organ diseases.

Free Care If…

When I first heard about a Vermont bill that became law on July 1, 2024 I thought the state had entered into a new era of health care affordability. The news report outlined some of the circumstances under which people could receive free hospital care. When I read the bill it turned out there is mostly nothing new, but it’s worth talking about it because some people need to know about hospital policies regarding free care.

Because all of Vermont’s hospitals are non-profit they have some degree of requirement to provide free care to needy individuals. That used to apply to hospitals that took money under the Hill-Burton Act but I think those days have passed and free care is still part of a hospital’s budget.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – July 2024

Here’s the July 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

Brattleboro Area Hospice: New Online Support Group for People Living with Serious Illness Starting in July 2024

Are you going through treatment? Feeling overwhelmed or scared? Talking with others may help.

The Serious Illness Program support groups provide a safe space for people to share personal experiences, feelings, coping strategies, and allow for shared learning. 

Free, facilitated, peer support group for people who live in Windham County and neighboring NH towns who are experiencing a life-altering illness with a focus on cancer, heart and organ diseases. 

Healthcare Community Meetings

Healthcare access and affordability affects every single Vermonter—regardless of your insurance. Join local community leaders, hospital leaders, legislators, state officials, and your neighbors at your local Healthcare Community Meeting to discuss the options your community has for supporting the future of healthcare in Vermont.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – June 2024

Here’s the June 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

The Cannabis Story

I still have trouble believing that I will not be arrested if I carry marijuana in my pocket or in my car. I came of age at a time when the drug was considered to be on par with heroin and other deadly substances. Some people were even making reference to the 1936 movie Reefer Madness when they tried to show how bad they thought marijuana was.

If you smoked it in your college dorm room you had to make sure you put a towel at the bottom of the door so no one would know what was happening inside. You risked expulsion from school and possible arrest.

No one could have predicted that this psychoactive substance that really is in a class all it’s own, would someday become legal for recreational use in 24 states and in D.C. Society has changed a lot and the federal government is moving to reclassify cannabis so it is not in the same class as heroin. Federal legalization is still not on the radar.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – May 2024

Here’s the April 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

No Pain, No Gain

Weight loss is one of the more difficult issues that people have to deal with. You would be hard pressed not to find a few people who have struggled with their weight many times during their life. Until now there has been no simple solution to weight loss and, in my opinion, that is a good thing.

I was considered a “fat” child growing up and I took a lot of bullying and name calling during my public school years. My teachers even called me by a derogatory nickname from junior high and all through high school and I had to live with it until I went to college and heard people address me by my real name.

One of the reasons I was not accepted for the military during the height of the Viet Nam War was because I was overweight. I lost 50 pounds when I was 20 and travelling, but I have always struggled to keep my weight below what I consider an acceptable level.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – April 2024

Here’s the April 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.