Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies Reconvening Technical Working Group

Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) has reconvened its Technical Working Group (TWG) to develop further implementation strategies for the Windham Region’s federally recognized Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS). The TWG is comprised of professionals from around the region engaged in economic, community and workforce development initiatives whose expertise is needed to aid in continued development and effective implementation of the CEDS.

The TWG was formed to begin institutionalizing a culture of collaboration by creating a group of subject matter experts in the realms of economic, workforce development, and education from across the region. The group’s charge is to work in collaboration with BDCC, Windham Regional Commission and SeVEDS to ensure effective regional expertise and connections to the region’s CEDS strategy work. SeVEDS Project Manager, Jodi Clark says, “We have substantial regional expertise and capacity working on workforce development, creating new jobs, supporting business innovation, attracting new talent to our region and providing high quality education to our community. Whether folks are working on regional planning, creating more career awareness programming in our schools, or supporting new businesses in our downtowns, it is important we are keeping each other up to date and connected. All of these efforts reinforce each other, as they are all critical components to creating a thriving local economy.”

Laura Sibilia, Director of Economic and Workforce Development for BDCC says the group’s initial meeting will serve to allow members to catch up with key education and economic development practitioners who are the “boots on the ground” in their area of expertise, and help further refine and prioritize strategies and projects within the regional CEDS.

“We are really interested in maximizing the ongoing efforts to improve Southern Vermont’s economy by finding quality opportunities to link and inform individual efforts throughout the region,” she explained.

To keep up with what SeVEDS is currently working on, you can see their library of reports, data, and meeting minutes at their website: You can also reach SeVEDS Project Manager, Jodi Clark at or Director of Economic and Workforce Development, Laura Sibilia at

Contact: Jodi Clark, Project Manager
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation/SeVEDS

Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies Reconvening Technical Working Group

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