WRC Secures Funds for Green River Ecosystem Restoration

The Windham Regional Commission (WRC) is pleased to announce that it has secured funding from the State of Vermont, Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration Program, for a floodplain attenuation project along the Green River in Guilford. The project consists of three elements: berm removal, buffer planting, and securing a conservation easement on a field in the floodplain.

Following Tropical Storm Irene, a berm of approximately 300 feet in length and 3-4 feet tall was created from material windrowed onto the left bank of the river. The berm exacerbates a pinch point that is created by road encroachments from Green River Road and a higher historical berm on the opposite bank. The project looks to remove this newer berm which obstructs the river’s flow into the floodplain field, a valuable space for floodwater, sediment, and debris attenuation, during storm events.

There are two segments of river bank totaling about 700’ which are devoid of woody vegetation and, as a result, are quickly eroding. The project will plant a riparian buffer along the bank thereby protecting approximately a half an acre of riverbank. The result will be less sediment input into the river and, eventually, an increase in woody debris and shading to improve instream habitat and water quality.

The final element of the project will be to secure a conservation easement on the 6-acre floodplain. The protection of this field is important to the health of the river and security of the road. With this floodplain available, the vulnerability to flood hazards downstream is lessened by giving the water space to spread out, thereby dissipating its energy.

The WRC looks forward to embarking on this project to restore the ecosystem along the Green River. For more information contact Marion Major a WRC planner at (802)257-4547 x109 or mmajor@windhamregional.org.


Marion Major
Windham Regional Commission
139 Main Street, Suite 505
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 257-4547 ext. 109

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