Weekend Creativity Series: Hue and Saturation

This week we’ll study some color theory with Scott Naismith, a Scottish landscape painter, and dive into aspects of hue and saturation with him.

I’ve been doing art all my life, yet still struggle with color. I love black and white lines and using pens and pencils to shade things with hatch marks and smudges. The 256 shades of greyscale suite me well, and they could keep me busy forever.

That said, I love color and impressed by those who are confident with it. For me, jumping from 256 shades to millions of possible choices is always daunting. Which of the gazillion greens would be best? I do not know, nor do I have confidence making those decisions.

There are also challenges of specific colors. Finding a good gold or silver in a digital color wheel can be tricky.

Perhaps Mr. Naismith can help me in this short video.

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